Chapter 2

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In a different house in San Diego aka at Lenora and her dad's house. "So what's your plan?" Lenora asked. "For what? Hell, why am I here and who are you?" Nick asked blankly. "Um...what's the last thing you remember?" Lenora asked. "My brother's girlfriend moving in because of my brother making it happen by a wish since she's a genie." Nick said. "Wait a second, Do you know anyone named Seth Drew who has magic?" Lenora said in realisation. "Ya, we met at the beginning of the school year." Nick said. "That's my twin brother, he's pure evil and I think he took over your body making you do some shit." Lenora exclaimed. "Wait really?" Nick asked. "Yes, let me check. By the way I'm Lenora." Lenora said. "Nice to meet you Lenora." Nick said as Lenora pulled out a cell phone and called someone. A few moments later she got off the phone. "He definitely did all that I'm about to tell you that happened." Lenora said.

Meanwhile Kate and Tyler were relaxing on the bed. "Hey Vcat. Feel my belly right here. You can feel the baby kicking." Kate said showing him where. "That's so cool!" Tyler felt it amazed. "I know right!" Kate squealed. "What's going on humans?" Snowball walked in. "I can feel the baby." Tyler said. "Can I feel?" Snowball asked curiously. "Sure." Kate said and Snowball jumped onto the bed and put his paw by Tyler's hand. "That's cool" Snowball said impressed.

"Wow, and I already got Tyler back for taking my turn with the lamp when I found it in grade four and Kate was still the genie but went by Emmy." Nick told Lenora after she told the entire story. "She changed her name alot...well she's on her third name so I don't know." Lenora replied. "Actually her either as a genie but whatever." Nick said. "So I'll take care of my brother, you can stay here and try and get on good terms with your family." Lenora offered. "Thanks." Nick said. "No problem." Lenora smiled. "Can I use your phone to call someone in my family to try and talk to?" Nick asked. "Sure, here's my cell." Lenora passed her cell phone to him.

"Lenora is calling you?" Tyler said. "Pass, I'll see what she wants." Kate said. "Okay." Tyler passed her her phone. "Hello?" She said then left the room. "Where you going?" Tyler followed her. "For a walk. I'll tell your mom." Kate said going downstairs. "Okay?" Tyler said weirded out. Tyler looked at the time, and saw he could make dinner. "You okay?" His mom asked when went downstairs. "It's still weird she and Lenora get along and they used to hate each other and Lenora hates me still." Tyler said. "You can't expect to get along with all of each other's friends." Mrs. MacMillan told him. "True, I'm just going to make dinner." Tyler said. "Okay." Mrs. MacMillan nodded.

"Okay, I'm at the off base park, where are you?" Kate said into the phone. "Behind you and you and Tyler weren't kidding about the pregnancy." Nick said from behind her. "Ya, so why'd you wanna meet up without Tyler knowing?" Kate asked worried. "I know Tyler won't believe me or give me a chance to talk, but I was hoping you would." Nick explained. "Of course. I still feel bad about saying guilty because I knew something was off but I couldn't put my finger on it actually." Kate admitted. "If you knew then why didn't you say anything?" Nick asked annoyed. "Fear your brother would be annoyed or question things. Sorry. " Kate said. "Its okay." He nodded. "I'm not sure how we can convince your family of what happened though?" Kate said. "I don't even have dark magic. I have light and aquatic powers." Nick said. "good to know." Kate made a mental note of. "Don't you have dark magic, couldn't you do a spell to erase their memories or replace them? I know it sounds evil but it could work." Nick suggested. "I guess I could but I'm trying not to use evil magic plus it wouldn't change anything. Maybe you can earn their trust back." Kate suggested. "Good idea." Nick said. "So let's start with your parents. I forgive others easily and am very understanding and we're good." Kate smiled. "Cool. Let's get to work" Nick said.

"I wonder what motivated her to go on the walk while talking to Lenora?" Tyler wondered while setting the table. "You can ask her later. I'll text her dinner is ready" Mrs. MacMillan pulled her phone out. "Good idea." Tyler said as the front door opened. "That her?" he asked. "Hello Kate. Nick what are you doing home." Mrs. MacMillan ignored Tyler. What the fuck? Why is she with Nick right now? He tried to kill us recently. Tyler thought bewildered. He walked into the living room. "I've come to make amends." Nick smiled. "Sidebar with Kate please. Mom feel free to talk with Nick." Tyler pulled Kate into the kitchen. "What?" She asked. "Of all the stupid shit you've done this is probably the most stupid. He tried to kill us back in November and just got out of the FTV Jail Center. What good could come from this?" He asked her. "Just hear him out. Be open minded about it." Kate smiled optimistically. "That'll be hard. No thanks." Tyler grumbled. "Wouldn't you want a second chance if you were him?" Kate asked. "Well yes but you're only saying because you give multiple chances and struggle to see the bad in people." Tyler grumbled. "I'm not telling you to forgive him. Just hear him out, give him a chance. We'll go from there." Kate said. "Fine." Tyler rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you and just walked off." Kate apologize. "It's okay." He said as she kissed him. He of course kissed her back. She lead him back into the living room.

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