Chapter 7

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When he awoke, Tyler was floating in a dream state. "What the? Where am I?" he asked aloud, and a shape appeared before him. "Hey! Wait!" he called out, but the shape floated away. "Come and get me~!" the shape said in Kate's voice. "Wha?" Tyler said confused. Laughing, the Kate-thing floated away, and Tyler chased it, where it decided to disappear. "Huh?" he asked, now confused, as his dream became dark. He tried to summon his Light Blade, but nothing happened; the darkness just kept clouding his vision. "This is bad, very bad." He panicked. He ran around looking for help. He then woke up for real, Kate was beside him sleeping restlessly. "Guess I'm not the only one having a bad dream," he said.

Kate looked around where she was and saw nothing. Then she saw her demon-self. "What do you want with me?" Kate asked it scared. "For you to become me. It's a part of who you are." It smiled at her. "I'm not you, I have a good heart." Kate fought it. "Do you? You let me take over a few times. You're magic is weaker when you do light magic." It taunted. "So what?" Kate said knowing it was right. "You can be more powerful than Tyler if you just let me win." It whispered in her ear. And with that Kate woke up crying.

"V-Tyler? Are you awake?" She quietly asked. "Yeah, I'm awake. I had a bad dream. You?" he pulled her into a hug. "Same, mine was about my demon-self trying to make me become her again." She cried. "Mine was about my darkness and my magic not being able to help." He said. Together, the two softly cried comforting each other. "Would you ever become her again?" Tyler asked worried. "She may be a part of me, always will be and more powerful then me and you but she's evil and I don't like her. I never wanted to become her a second time but it happened when you tried helping. I wanted to warn you and help you but I wasn't strong enough, even with my leftover genie magic." Kate said. "That reminds me, when I went to save Mom, Nick and you Mom had said 'Genies are more powerful than any other magic user.' Are they really?" Tyler asked. "Believe it or not, she is right. So that would mean your mom and I are more powerful than you, even if you were to train, max out your magic, and learn everything. Yes, you can cast advanced spells but we can undo any type of magic, block it, cast it. Genies also can't be cursed at all, even by the grounding curse. Former genies are in the same boat." Kate confirmed. "No offence kitten but you've shown you are weaker than me in magic but balance it out with your magic knowledge." Tyler stated. "I don't know how to use genie magic except for granting wishes and teleporting. Your mom does though. I can learn it if I chose to." She replied. "Wasn't the genie line cursed and didn't you say you're cursed?" Tyler said pointing out a flaw in what she said. "I was cursed before I got genie magic so that doesn't count, it's just part of me now. As for the genie line it was merely the lamp itself affecting the genies." Kate explained. "Ahhh, wait what curse is on you?" Tyler said. "Misfortune often." She said accidentally falling of the bed. Laughing softly, he picked her up and set her back on the bed beside him. "Well, I definitely broke one aspect of the curse. Do you wanna know how?" he smiled, and asked her earnestly. "How?" she asked, her head tipping to one side like a cat's. "Me," he declared, and she understood immediately, than hugged him. "Thank goodness for me having you," she said in tears.

The two hugged for a few minutes till they saw on the clock it was three in the morning. "I'm wide awake, aren't you?" She smiled. "What do you expect? I have been dream-wandering, and I hate it when I do it without knowing," he said with a wry smile. "I'm going to get a snack. Be back soon." She said then tiptoed to the kitchen. Waiting on her return, he pulled up his computer, and looked at the news. He waited half an hour for her but no return. "What's keeping her?" He wondered aloud to himself, than went to check, expecting something weird. There she was at the table eating a sandwich and a bowl was empty in front of her. "Come to join?" She asked. What the hell??? he thought, and shook his head. "It's too early in the morning to be overeating, Kate. Come on back to bed with me," he invited. She ate the last bite. "I'm still hungry and only ate a small snack." She said. "Small, hmm?" he said, sounding like Yoda. "I filled the bowl with cereal to the top and this is my second sandwich," She whined. "Overeating, you are. Stop this, you must," he mimicked Yoda again. She took the bowl to the kitchen then came back out eating some leftover pasta from the night before. "I'm good." She smiled. "Fine. I'll be in the room if you need me," he grumbled, and teleported there, starting his room TV and his WiiU. After some pasta, Kate joined him upstairs with popcorn freshly popped. "Can I join in?" She asked. "Uh, not until you unpop the corn, because I'm not allowed to have food in my room. And don't eat it all," he said. "This is magical popcorn that doesn't make a mess." She smirked. "Unfortunately, that counts as food. So no," he shot back, and shooed her out. She ate the rest then rejoined him.

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