Chapter 6

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"Mom! Wake up! You have a delivery!" Tyler shouted into the house, and his mom came out of her room, still morning-grumpy. "WHAT IS IT?!" she shouted, and he pulled his mom, by the hand, outside, and she gasped. " gosh! You actually did it!" she breathed, and looked at Kate. "Did he actually do this?" she asked, a suspicious look on her stupid face. Nodding, Kate said, "Yes, he did. And he barely needed my help!" "You may undo the curse now." his mom told Kate and she undid the curse but decided to have fun with him by pranking him. "I-I can't?" She faked confusion. "Kate!!!" he shouted, and his mom covered her ears, which was a good move. "What? I'm trying but my magic is blocked." she pretended to start crying. "Try again. Now that you actually unlocked my magic, I can clearly tell that you are bluffing," he said, than smirked. She looked at him annoyed then fell over, fainting. "Mom? We're going out for a bit. Love you!" he said, than vanished with Kate.

Once at his dream house, Tyler used a healing spell to awaken her. She looked at him with red eyes. "Thanks Vcat!" She smiled. "Hey, you ok?" he asked, worried. "I'm okay, why do you ask?." She evilly smiled before her eyes turned normal. "Wait a sec...what was with the red eyes?" he asked, now cautious. "Each dark magic user has a unique issue when sick. That's mine, red eyes." Kate giggled. "Oh jeez..." He said. "If it last longer than two minutes, then run for your life!" She warned. Looking at his watch, he estimated that he was safe. "It was thirty seconds." She laughed. With a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness!" "It happens at random." she warned on. "Huh. I'll look out for it," he promised. "Thanks and I know when it happens. I can do a spell where you experience what I experience." She offered. "Sure, why not?" he accepted. She casted a spell. Then her eyes glew red again and Tyler felt a piercing pain in his eyes where his pupils were. "Hikari...cancel!" he casted, and the both of them stopped. "Too much already?" She laughed with her eyes still the same. "Hikari! Purify!" he casted, and she crumpled. When she lifted her head, her eyes were now the normal blue she usually had. "Thank goodness it worked!"he said with relief.

"Why'd you do that?" She asked. "Because I knew it would work," he explained, and she knew he meant it. "Th-thank you," she said, unsure, and blushed faintly. "I'm scared it will make things worse." Kate said to Tyler scardly. "I suppressed the sickness, so it shouldn't happen as often anymore. I know it because I checked," he reassured. "It ended badly the last time someone tampered with it." Kate bit her lip. "Ok, I tampered with it this time, goofball," he laughed. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" She clutched her head going into a ball. Alarmed, he rushed to her side. "What's going on?" he asked, now worried. She then looked at him with red eyes. "Stupid fool! You can't avoid dark magic!" She came out of the ball and aimed her wand at him. "Hikari! Uh, Mamori!" he casted, and a bright shield materialized, blinding her momentarily.

Then the grounding curse was placed on him again and he was teleported to his house, restrained to the couch where Nick and Missouri were watching Ninja Turtles. "I soooooooo hate this," he muttered in his head. "Where's Lee?" Missouri asked Tyler as Nick paused the show. "Mff mrff mfrfrfffmf," he said, somehow with a gag. Missouri removed it. "Try again." She prompted. "She's in Demon or something Mode," he breathed. "Please tell me you didn't mess with her magic?" Missouri asked. "I did by accident, with light..." he admitted, and his face fell. "Great! Now both you and Nick have caused this in the past five years. Great! Just great!" Missouri said annoyed. "I can reverse it, but the problem is, I will use the darkness element. Not good, so I'll need you to back me up, Missouri," he explained, and she nodded. "I want to but no magic plus I didn't do it last time. I just got help." Missouri said. "Who?" he asked, confused. "I went to ask Netty for reasons but she couldn't help because no magic like me so I went to my cousin because she is really good at magic and she helped before I got stuck in a time freeze spell." Missouri said. "Who's your cousin?" Tyler asked. "Lenora Drew." Missouri said knowing Lenora hated Tyler. "WHAT?!" he shouted in fear and confusion. "Yeah, sorry. I should've told you, right?" she flushed red. "Lenora doesn't like him much." Nick said. "You can help me ask." She turned to Nick. "She hates me too." Nick admitted. "Fudgelkins!" Missouri said as if she were trying to keep her swearing clean. "Time to erase the past errors," Tyler said darkly.

"That's not a good idea. It's hard to remove a grudge she has." Missouri warned as Kate came in. "YOU DID THIS Tyler! AND YOU ARE FREE FROM THE BONDS! NOW YOU SHALL BE PUNISHED FURTHER!" Kate yelled then turned around and left them without magic tied to a kitchen chair each. But, Tyler avoided that curse with a Complete Invisibility charm. "What the?!" Missouri cried, and Nick rolled his eyes. "Hey," said a voice somewhere to the left of them, and Tyler revealed himself. "Nice going." Missouri told him. "Now that you three are trapped and all your magic will be mine!" Kate smirked as she stole all but Tyler's magic. "You won't get away with this!" Nick said as Kate teleported Snowball into a magic-proof cat carrier. Then the front door opened. "Kids! Come help with groceries!" Mrs. MacMillan called. Kate magically took care of it all. "There you go." She smiled sweetly. "Thanks" Mr. MacMillan said. Then Kate snapped her fingers and the parents were trapped as well. "Adieu!" She smirked before leaving. "This is your fault Tyler!" Missouri yelled. "Mine! I didn't know this would happen!" Tyler shot back. "Someone explain what is happening?" Mrs. MacMillan demanded. "Meow meow!" Snowball said which everyone assumed meant 'Yes Please!' "I, er, magically messed with Kate's magic curse, and I made her into Demon Mode. I accept responsibility for vanquishing her Demon Mode," Tyler explained. "Good luck!" Nick laughed unsteadily. "Hikari! Jyouka!" he casted Purify, and the curse was repealed. The house phone then rang. "MacMillan house, Tyler speaking. Who might this be?" he answered, than held the phone away from his ear. "This is Base Commanding Officer. I need to speak to your father, Mark MacMillan; is he available?" the caller asked. "Um, not at the moment. But, I am the only one available to talk at this moment, so please relay the message to me, sir," Tyler requested. "We need everyone to evacuate. There is an unknown threatening to blow up the base via magic and bombs." he told him. "I might not be able to evacuate everyone, but I can handle this threat. Please listen carefully: I need you and the Marine Police to evacuate the entire base to Mira Mesa High School, which is a safe space. Immediately." Tyler said. "But sonny, it's too dangerous for even us. You can't possibly..." they were cut off by buzzing sounds. "Hello!? Hello!? This is bad." Tyler hung up. "Untie us right now, boy." His dad demanded. "Say please. Or else, no," he refused. "Grrr...please," his dad growled, and the bonds were undone.

Kate then reappeared and teleported off with Nick and Tyler's mom leaving a note that read 'If you want them back, meet at the central building alone. Or else they go boom!' "Guys, I have to go. Get out of here, and evacuate the entire base to Mira Mesa High School! NOW!" he commanded, and he took off. "Hikari! Kaizou, Taiyo Henshin!!" he casted, and he transformed into Kamen Rider Mirai: Solar Form. When he got there, the two captured were tied to a bomb on a mountain of TNT. Kate was just sitting tied to a rocking chair trying to escape nearby. "Why is she tied up?" Tyler asked cautiously. "She tried to make us unable to escape with magic by a spell but it reflected off a mirror I have and so she trapped herself." Mrs. MacMillan said. "Plus Mom knows how to save her." Nick said. "Let me go you idiots!" Kate yelled. Tyler magically removed the TNT and untied his brother and mom. "Okay mom, so how do we save her?" Tyler asked. "Either someone places any curse on her but that curse will have no effect or a genie wish." Mrs. MacMillan said. "Why does every issue like this come back to genie wishes." He grumbled. "Genies are more powerful than any other magic user." His mom said. "No way that's true." Tyler detested. "Ask Kate once she's saved, plus Mom would know. She is a former genie herself." Nick said. "Mom, do you have any wishes left?" Tyler asked. "Of course not. Kate is one of the few genies to not use all their wishes before freeing the genie." Mrs. MacMillan snapped. "Okay then. I guess we are placing a curse on her." Tyler said. "I don't know any." Nick said. "Same." Mrs. MacMillan said. "Unfortunately, I happen to know a few. I don't want to cast them, though," Tyler said quietly. "You kinda need to if you want to save her." Nick said while his mom looked at him concerned. "Fine, if I have to," he said, and walked over to Kate who was still struggling to get out of the rocking chair bonds.

"Now then, if I break your bonds, will you swear to never act out like this again?" Tyler asked, and she nodded. "I will have to put a Restraint Charm on you, ok? Now, hold still," he said as he casted Restrainment, and she screamed. "It's the only curse I know, so forgive me," he said. A couple minutes later, Kate just looked at him and moved like the curse never happened. "Thanks so much." She smiled crying a bit. "Did...did it work?" he asked, and she shrugged. "Yes it is. I couldn't control shite of what I was doing." She explained returning Nick's and Missouri's magic. "Thank goodness! I'm...relieved...finally," he said, and collapsed in her arms. She held him tightly. "I-I-I'm really sorry Mrs. MacMillan." Kate looked at his mom. "Well, he saved you. That's all I'm concerned about. The rest I leave to you, now go do your thing," she said curtly, but a faint smile fluttered on her face. Kate teleported the both of them to their room, where she set him down on his bed, climbed in beside him, and slept.

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