Chapter 3

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Tyler arrived at the fork. Vivian Rose was already waiting for him perched on the actual giant fork. "Hey Tyler!" She called down to him. He whirled around and saw her. "WHAT THE???" he cried. Vivian Rose jumped down. "Sorry to scare ya man." She smiled. "No, no. It's fine," stammered Tyler as she landed. "So Melody for sure and I want to know if Lee's been acting slightly evil lately?" Vivian Rose asked, and Tyler started. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait, are you sure you're talking about Kate? I'm confused here," he said. "That's what I am asking about? Has she?" Vivian Rose asked, and he shook his head no. Sighing, she shook her head and facepalmed. "Oh dear, you haven't noticed because you're too in love her to notice huh?" she complained a little annoyed. "Uh, that's not a credible argument, VR. You should know that," he shot back. "Allow me to explain. There's an evil imposter swapped with Melody and Lee. I only noticed because Melody didn't know what VR means." Vivian Rose stated, and squeaked when she looked at his eyes. "Ok, that is something that infuriates me. But wait! I can trace Lee's brainwaves! That's it!" he shouted, and he focused on her.

"Wait! Those are the imposters. I did that with Melody. We have to get a hold of Melody's cell number." Vivian Rose said. "No, I can actually track her brainwaves. Each person has a unique one, and I can trace it," he countered. "This dark magic being used. It's as powerful as Lee's. It can corrupt how you think" Vivian Rose shot back. "Ha! I am a light mahoutsukai, missy. I am one of the most powerful magicians that exist!" he shouted. "Have you forgotten? So is Lee! She just uses dark magic while you use light." Vivian Rose shouted back. "Hikari! SHOUGEKIHA!!!!" he casted Light Blast, and she flew backwards. "I can't do magic, idiot"! Vivian Rose went towards him. "Also if you don't believe me about this story...ask Nick. He can help. I promise you that." Vivian Rose shouted. "Really? And where the hell is he right now? LOCKED UP!!!" Tyler yelled. "Wrong, he's at Souri's with her." Vivian Rose said calmly. Flabbergasted and exhausted, he passed out. Vivian Rose picked him up and piggy backed him to her's and Melody's cottage.

When she got there Vivian Rose put him on the couch, until he woke up. Vivian Rose went to continue making a cake for dinner. As he woke up,Tyler looked around, observing, analyzing, assessing. "Well? Good Evening!" Vivian Rose said cheerily, and Tyler nodded curtly. "Where are we?" Tyler asked quizzically not recognizing his whereabouts. "Mine and Melody's cottage. Melody's imposter is with her mom currently." Vivian Rose asked. "It's nice." He said. "Thanks. So dinner is in the oven. You can stay here the night. I contacted your mom telling her you and Kate are staying here for the night." Vivian Rose explained. "H-how?" Tyler stuttered. "Oh, I have my ways!" she said in a singsong voice. "You sound like Kate." Tyler said. "I'm told that often. Mmm! Do you smell dinner cooking? Smells great!" Vivian Rose answered. "Is that...cake? Seriously? Jeez," he grumbled. "What? I had ice cream yesterday for dinner. There's no left overs, sorry." Vivian Rose answered. "Okay?" Tyler answered confused. "I'm making shepherd's pie for dessert." Vivian Rose smiled. Even more so, he ran out the door, and yelled, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY LIFE!!" Vivian Rose stood there weirded out, then pulled the cake out of the oven and started decorating it. Meanwhile Tyler had ran all the way to a cottage he's seen but only in a book. Then he remembered it was Red Riding Hood's. His brother was supposed to be here with Missouri. He then saw the two in a upstairs window kissing happily. He then realised he had his cellphone.

He looked for Melody's number and found it. He called it. "Hello?" A voice whispered. "Melody?" He asked. "Oh hi Tyler. Help. Lee and I are stuck in a basement. I have my phone because no one expects me to have one." Melody said. "Where are you guys?" He asked. "I'm not sure. Track my phone. Shoot. Gotta go. The person who trapped us is coming" Melody franticly hung up. He pulled up a tracker Kate installed on his phone out of boredom one day in November. "Lenora's dad's?" He said weirded out. He teleported outside it. He knocked on the door and Lenora answered. "Ugh. What do you want?" Lenora asked annoyed. "My friend and girlfriend are in your basement." Tyler spat. "God damn. I told Seth no prisoners in the basement." Lenora rolled her eyes annoyed. "Can we free them?" Tyler asked. "I never helped you" she said leading him in and to the basement. Sure enough Kate was there and no Melody in sight. "Tyler! Melody said you'd come. Seth will be home soon. Hurry. Melody is beside me" Kate said. Tyler freed them and they left and ran to the park off base. "You're not pregnant?" Tyler said weirded out. "No...why would I be? I used a protection spell on us?" Kate said. "Wha???" Tyler said confused. Is that actually Tyler? Melody asked. "Yes, I am the real Tyler," he said to her directly, as if he heard her, which he did. "Is it a hoax Lee?" Melody asked. "No Bat. It's the truth." Kate answered rolling her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes Lee!" Melody snapped. Tyler just looked on. "Let's go before Seth Drew gets back." Kate said. "Who?" Tyler asked, and Kate explained. "Oh. Then let's get moving," he proclaimed. I'm on Lee's back, Melody said. "Your grammar is still shit, Kate," remarked Tyler. "Like me!" Kate smiled and Melody facepalmed. "Aaaanyways, let's move our asses, shall we?" he said, and off they went, into the Dark Forest of Doooooooom.

This doesn't sound good, Melody said just before turning visible. "Agreed and off my back now, Melody. You're like a hundred pounds in this dimension." Kate demanded. Melody slipped off Kate back. "Can I hold you hand though like normal?" Melody asked. "Of course." Kate agreed. "Hem hem." Tyler coughed reminding them he was there and jealous. "Bat can't see and we always do this if Vivian Rose isn't around to guide her." Kate said. "Okay." Tyler said, and held out his hand. Instantly, a sphere of light appeared and floated above them, providing them all light. "You can hold my other hand VCat!" Kate offered. Immediately brightening, he took her outstretched hand, and lead them all on.

"HALT!" came a voice from somewhere in the trees. "Who goes there?" Melody called. Instinctively, Tyler brandished his swords and held them at bay. Melody went into a fighting stance. Kate just put on her witch outfit and whipped her wand out. A stormtrooper from Star Wars walked by followed by whole line of them. Kate turned Melody, Tyler and herself invisible. All the stormtroopers walked by before Kate made them visible again. "Star Wars is real?" Tyler asked. "You brought us to the one world I can't stand. 'Movies are real world.' Gee thanks Tyler!" Melody snapped at Tyler. "Jeez, sorry. No need to snap at me." Tyler snapped back. "Stop bickering the two of you." Kate scolded then teleported them to the fairy tale world.

"I hear Seth Drew coming up the street." Melody said and sure enough she was spot on. "Shit!" Tyler panicked as Kate cast yet another spell. Everything and them became ghost like. "What the?" Tyler said as Seth Drew walked right through not even seeing them. "Are we like me in the real world?" Melody asked. "Yes we are." Kate said. "Wait so in our world, this is how Melody would and Vivian Rose for sure sees it?" Tyler asked confused walking into a tree testing out what he can do. Oof! "You can walk into things, only people who with a purple aura like Seth, your brother and Missouri but they can't see you but would hear your voice in their heads." Kate warned. "You and Lee have the purple aura. VR and I have a orange because we don't really exist in your world." Melody said. "Okay." Tyler understood. "So where to?" Kate asked. "The MEFTPO?" Melody asked. "What's the meft-po?" Tyler asked. "The Magically Experienced Fairy Tale Police Officers." Kate stated. "Too many short forms." Tyler shook his head. "Try having to learn them blind." Melody teased. "Ai yai yai." Tyler rolled his eyes. "So are we going there?" Kate asked. "Yes," Tyler said.

The three walked to the MEFTPO. Kate casted the reversal spell, and they looked normal and so did everything. "Let's go report Seth Drew again." Melody said. "Wait again?" Tyler asked. "We reported him before you found the lamp for freezing Missouri again like he did before." Kate said. Then the three marched into the police station. "Hello, we'd like to report a Magic Crime." Melody said. "Please fill out this report." The secretary handed her a form. They all sat down on some nearby chairs and filled it out together. Once they finished they gave it to the secretary. She passed it to a nearby officer. He looked through it. "Let's go men, we have another Seth Drew Case." he ordered and they all left. "You kids can leave now. Thanks." The secretary said. 

Genie Tales-Nightmares can Become Day DreamsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora