Chapter 2

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Deidara looked up at the stone carvings of all the hokages. The first one was a man with long hair, the second a man with spiky hair. The third was an old man, and the last was another man, with a stoic expression. The present hokage, Deidara thought, staring at the emotionless hokage. I wonder how he looks like in person.
"Deidara Nee!" A girl's voice called out. Deidara turned around to find Kurotsuchi pointing at the hokages building. "Let's go!" The blond raced towards her. Akatsuchi was glancing at every person that he saw, smiling goofily. Deidara laughed at the villagers reactions. Some would smile back, although quite awkwardly, while others would keep on walking, purposely oblivious. Kurotsuchi pulled on the both of them, leading them inside the building. "All the other kages have arrived except us and the Raikage, you know." Kurotsuchi said as the three of them climbed the stairs that lead to the hokage's office. "Well, we're basically here, so scratch us off the list,un" Deidara murmured, looking at the long hallway at the end of the stairs. A wooden door was on the side of the wall. Deidara guesses that that was the room where the hokage was. He grinned,"come on guys,un," he said, walking until he was in front of the brown door. A few seconds later, Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi were right beside him. He turned to the two, smiling encouragingly, "You ready?" He asked calmly. They both nodded their heads, Kurotsuchi's a bit more stiffly. All three of them took a deep breath, before Deidara knocked on the door. "Come in," said a calm voice. Deidara was oddly intrigued by the voice, maybe even admired it. Kurotsuchi turned t he know of the door, opening it wordlessly. Inside the room were two people. One had short curly black hair, with eyes as dark as night, although they had a slight shine to them. He was wearing the villages shinobi outfit, a katana on his back. Must be a subordinate Deidara thought. Beside him, the artist guessed, was the hokage. He didn't look much older than Deidara, maybe a two or three years difference between them. He was sitting down in front of a desk stacked with finished paperwork. He has fairly long dark hair, reaching his shoulder blades. The silky black locks were tied into a low ponytail. Like mine, Deidara thought, but no as long. He added, not being able to resist boasting about his hair length. The hokages eyes were feminine and onyx. Deidara found himself secretly stealing glances at those eternal depths of darkness. He thought that they were fascinating and addictive to look at. The man's face seemed perfect, with creamy white skin, and a face structure that was divine. He had a line on either side of his nose bride though, but it didn't minus his flattering good looks. "You must be the Tshuchikage," the Hokage said thoughtfully. Kurotsuchi nodded nervously, "Ah, yes I am. And your the Hokage I think," she answered. She glanced quickly at Deidara, who grinned and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled, before looking back at the Hokage. The Hokage looked amused, obviously having seen this little scene. "I am Uchiha Itachi. This," he said, pointing to the man beside him, "Shisui." Shisui bowed politely, smiling, "Nice to meet you" he said. The three Iwagakure shinobi Bowes as well. "I'm Kurotsuchi. And this is Deidara and Akatsuchi," Kurotsuchi said, indicating her two 'brothers' with a point of her finger. Itachi regarded the two, eyes wandering over Deidara a second longer. Said blond was confused as to why his heart was beating slightly faster at Itachi's gaze. The Uchiha looked at Kurotsuchi, smiling slightly. "I'm glad your here," he said "If you would like, me or Shisui could give you three a tour of the village. Or perhaps us both," Itachi asked. Kurotsuchi bowed appreciatively, "Of course. We would love that." Nodding, Itachi and Shisui led Deidara and his 'siblings' out of the room, down the stairs, and into the bright sky, with even brighter people. Deidara smiles warmly at his surroundings. He forced down a surprised gasp when Itachi accidentally brushed his arm. The raven apologized, looking down at him. " it's okay," Deidara assured him. He then realized a sudden urge in his stomach to start a conversation. Listening to this urge, he looked up at Itachi, ignoring the jealousy of how the raven was taller than him, and opened his mouth, " you like lie being Hokage?" He asked. Itachi smiles, "yeah. There isn't as much pressure as you would think. Besides, I enjoy helping and protecting others." Kurotsuchi's and Akatsuchi were ahead of them, taken in by their conversation with Shisui. "Do you? That's nice,un" Deidara said. Itachi nodded, "How about you? What do you like?" He asked. The blond grinned, "I really like art, art especially" he said. The uchiha looked at him curiously, "your art? What's that?" Deidara looked at the ground,the teensiest bit uncomfortable, "I um have something that help me make my art,un" he murmured. Itachi's onyx eyes gleamed encouragingly, clearly asking him to show him what his art is. Sighing softly, Deidara slowly took off his black gloves, revealing his palm mouths. Turning so that he wouldn't see the expression on his face, he held out his hands for Itachi to see. Unexpectedly, Itachi held Deidara's hand in his. "That's pretty cool," he said, tracing his fingers softly over the mouth. Deidara blushed the smallest of blushes, "really,un?" I thought you would say it's gross," he replied, finally looking at Itachi's handsome face. Said Uchiha chuckled lightly, "No. it really is neat,"
Deidara gazed at Itachi, surprised that someone didn't find it odd or disgusting. He smirked slightly, but then remembered what he was doing. He tore his eyes away from Itachi, and reached in his pouch, which was connected to his utility belt. He felt his palm mouth chew a piece of clay thoroughly, and he took it out. He then began to mold the clay into a small, simple white butterfly. He held it in his hand, and made a sign with his fingers to bring his creation to life. Deidara turned to look at Itachi, whom was staring in awe at the now fluttering butterfly. He smiled again, pleased with the way the other male was reacting to his art. So far, anyway. Now came the best part...
With a sign of his hand, and a "Katsu!", Deidara blew up the butterfly effortlessly, getting a beautiful, and absolutely dazzling explosion in the sky, filled with sparks of different colours. The explosion had long gotten the attention from Kurotsuchi, Akastuchi and Shisui, who had stopped walking ahead as soon as they heard the ear full bang.
Deidara grinned, showing perfect white teeth. Itachi was seemingly speechless. It made sense, of course, since the Uchiha was obviously not expecting the butterfly to explode on the spot.
"So, un?" Deidara asked, "what do you think of my art?" Itachi turned to him, jaw gaping, "Woah...that..." the raven didn't even know what to say. Deidara laughed,"I know. My art often gets people tongue tied," and tongue tied Itachi was. For a second, Deidara angrily thought that he didn't like it. But then, Itachi looked at Deidara square in the eye, a small smile taking place on his lips, "I think it's beautiful," he explained, "It was so small and delicate, but something dangerous...I like it,"
Deidara was now the one to be tongue tied. After all, not everyone understood his art, and it was very few people that really did grasp the meaning. It looks like, Deidara thought, that this Uchiha guy isn't that bad. They stared at each other for a little bit, before turning away. Awkwardness reached the two when they began walking towards the three ninja ahead of them, since they both had no idea what to start a conversation with. Topics had somehow decreased drastically. Luckily, Akatsuchi was the one to get the both of them back in a talkative mood.
"So, lord Hokage!" Said Akatsuchi, "What do you do for fun? I mean, you must do other things rather than just ordering people around, and staying in your office,"
Itachi smiled, "Yes, of course I do different activities," he replied calmly. Deidara glanced up at him, curious himself to know what a great Hokage does in his spare time.
"One of the things I enjoy," the Uchiha began thoughtfully, "Is probably taking care of my Otouto,"
"Ah, I heard of him," Kurotsuchi piped up, "Your younger brother, Sasuke Uchiha, right?"
Itachi nodded, "Yes,"
"Yeah, un," Deidara said, bringing his hand to his chin, "Isn't he a formidable ninja? One of the best in your village," unsure if what he said was right, the blonde then added, "That's what I heard, anyway,"
"What you heard was true," Shisui responded for Deidara, "Sasuke is a pretty neat fighter. He can be annoying sometimes, since I've dealt with him when he was younger," he shook his head in amusement, "He used to always want to fight Itachi, to prove that he was better,"
"He still does," Itachi murmured, smiling. Deidara could tell that Itachi was very loving towards his little brother. Maybe as much as the blonde cared for his own non-biological siblings. Blood doesn't have to tie a family's how much they care for each other that makes them a family. Deidara would certainly risk his very own life for his siblings, as would they for him. They were a family, even if blood didn't bring them together.
As the five ninja continued to walk on, they passed a small building, steam emitting out of the windows.
"Oh, that's the village's onsen," Shisui clarified. Deidara turned to it, the heat already reaching him.
"We should go sometime, un," he said to Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi, "We have a full three months to do it,"
The Tsuchikage nodded her head in agreement, "I think that's a good idea. We could go in a few weeks maybe. By then, the first test for the Chunin exams will be done, so we should be able to go,"
"When you do go, take me with you," chuckled Shisui, "I need a break from all this exams crap,"
"We'll be sure to remember," Kurotsuchi said happily. It looked like the Iwa ninja were hitting it off just fine with the Konoha nin. Hopefully, no rivalry would occur, since that would affect Kurotsuchi's kage title. Deidara stared at the hot springs for a bit, actually beginning to crave for the warm water on his skin. He suddenly got an idea, "Hey! How about we got now, un?" He suggested, wishing that the other would agree with him, "We have nothing else to do. Can't we just go for a little while?"
Itachi and Shisui looked at each other with careful consideration, while Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi were long ago nodding their heads in accordance.
"That isn't a bad idea," Itachi said slowly, "I guess that we could go,"
"Alright!" Shisui smiled joyously, slapping his hand in his best friend's back. Itachi rolled his dark eyes, a smile detectable on his fair lips. He began walking towards the onsen, the rest close behind.


Deidara took off his brown vest, placing it in the metal cabinet carelessly. Kurotsuchi had gone to the other room, the one where it was specifically for females, while he and the others were in the male room. Now clad in only his fishnet shirt, pants, and sandals, Deidara looked around the small room. Akatsuchi was already naked, rushing towards the warm water excitedly. Deidara laughed silently. Akatsuchi's happiness was always contagious. Shisui was nearly finished undressing, having inky his boxers on, while Itachi had his dark shirt and pants still on his body.
A rock of self consciousness settled in Deidara's stomach as he began to become embarrassed. He wasn't the fittest guy in the world, even if he badly wished to be. It wasn't his fault he was born like a fucking girl. He sighed, deciding to just forget it and enjoy his time in the Hot springs. He didn't go all the time in Iwagakure, so he should just wallow in this opportunity. He peeled the fishnet shirt of himself, before reaching towards his sandals, unbelting them from his feet. All that was left was his pants, which was hiding a very sensitive part of the male anatomy. Without a single care, he took them off, now a butt naked little blonde, ready to bask in the steam.

End of chapter two
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