Chapter 4

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The birds scattered from the trees, not wishing to interfere with the centipede that was currently attempting to kill Deidara, Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi and Itachi. Deidara stopped running, whirling around to face the offending creature. "You guys got ahead,un," he said to the people that were waiting for him to hurry the shit up, "I'll deal with it. It'll be gone in a flash, just wait,"
Itachi landed next to Deidara, eyes glued to the centipede, "No. We need it alive for the exams. It'll be a good obstacle for the genins'." He told him. Deidara raised a eyebrow, "Well then, what are we suppose to do with it, un?" He asked the Uchiha, "We can't just let it kill us, un," Itachi's stare intensified, as if he was trying to burn a hole through the Centipede, when really he was trying to think of a solution.
At that moment, Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi came beside them, "Hurry up!" Cried the Tsuchikage, "That beast is gonna catch up to us soon,"
It was true what she said, actually. The huge creature was bellowing it's way towards them, leaves showering from the trees overhead when they crossed it's path. The distance the four ninja had made between them and the beast was slowly decreasing...they needed to thonm of a plan, and they needed one fast.
Deidara shut his eyes, trying to come up with a strategy. An image of him, Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi appeared in his mind.
Old man Ōnoki was there, too. Deidara remembered that it was a time when the sun was out, and him and his siblings were younger, about fourteen or fifteen years old. They were practicing the new moves that Ōnoki had taught them. Kurotsuchi was trying to master the solidifying jutsu that her grandfather had taught her. And that was when it hit Deidara. The blonde snapped his eyes opened, turning to Kurotsuchi, "Kurotsuchi! Your jutsu!" That was all he needed to say. It barely took a minute for Kurotsuchi to have the centipede solidified in her jutsu. The three Iwa ninja flashed each other a smile, while Itachi looked on admiringly, "Nice job," he said, smiling a bit.
Kurotsuchi blushed, "Thank you," she said, rubbing the back of her neck shyly. Itachi dipped his head towards her, before turning back to the centipede, "What will we be doing with it now?" he wondered aloud. Deidara shrugged, not sure what to do this time. Akatsuchi shook his head, unsure as well. Kurotsuchi on the other hand, had a idea, "I think I know," she said. The males gave their attention to her, waiting for her to explain, "We can get some other ninja to deal with this, right? But ones that specialize in the forest,"
Itachi put some thought into her suggestion, and then nodded, "Yes. I will tell Anko to form a team that is familiar with the forest," he agreed. The nins gave each other a firm nod, before racing to the other direction, prepared to encounter any other freaky creatures.


As Deidara and the rest sat in front of the silver fence, hiding the forest of death, he revised what had happened during their time in the lush green empire. Other than the Centipede, there has been a steaming mad bear, poisonous snakes and a venomous scorpion, all of which were taken care of properly. The forest was now safe for the young Genins that were to walk through it. The only danger for them were the rivalling ninja.
Deidara stretched his arms, hearing a satisfying 'crack' from where the joints connected. "Now what, un?" He asked. Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi and Itachi looked at each other in unison. "I guess me, Deidara and Akatsuchi will head back to the inn," Kurotsuchi said. Itachi nodded, "Alright. Thank you for your help today. The rest of the week is free for you all, so I'll see you when the Chunin exams start," the Uchiha responded. Deidara got up, followed suit by his siblings. They said their goodbyes to the Hokage, before walking in the direction of the inn. "What do you think of Itachi?" Kurotsuchi asked her brothers, as the three passed the Onsen they had went to yesterday.
"He's okay, I guess," Deidara replied, "He doesn't talk that much though, un,"
"He's great!" Disagreed Akatsuchi, quite cheerfully. Deidara rolled his eyes, then turned to Kurotsuchi, "What about you, un?" He asked her when they directed their way next to houses and small shops, getting nearer to the inn they were staying in for three months, "I like him," she stated simply, "He's a responsible guy, and we can all learn from him,"
Deidara snorted, "I'm already amazing," he boasted, "What sort of improvement do I need, un?" Akatsuchi laughed, throwing his head back, while Kurotsuchi shook her head, arms crossed over her chest, "Nee, maybe if you stopped bragging, you'll see that we're at the inn,"
Deidara gazed at his sister boringly, and then turned to said inn. The three entered through the building, checking in with the woman at the counter, and then stepped up the stairs. As soon as they unlocked their door with their key, Akatsuchi flung himself on the nearest bed, sighing into the soft blankets.
Deidara chuckled, shutting the door behind him. Kurotsuchi sighed wearily, "What a day," she said softly, removing her beige vest. Deidara nodded in agreement, "Mhm. I need to take a nice, hot shower, un,"
Akatsuchi suddenly jumped off of the bed, "I'm taking a shower first!" He shouted, already racing towards the bathroom. Deidara stared after him, yelling a few insults, before shaking his head, "You guys are too much to handle," he muttered
"Same goes to you," His sister giggled in reply.
Deidara rolled his eyes, though there was a smile tugging at his lips. The three iwa ninja may get in each other's hair a lot, but they really cared about each other, and would no doubt protect them at they cost of their own lives. And also, they just had deep, sibling feelings towards one another. After all, they were raised together at a very young age. Love is something natural to them.
Not romantic love, no. In fact, Deidara had never actually thought of a romantic relationship with someone. He had never met anybody that he felt for in that way. Maybe he'll never find a lover. Surprisingly, that thought didn't scare Deidara in the least. He didn't mind being alone. Besides, a relationship would distract him.
But then, Itachi Uchiha had a girlfriend of his own, right? Deidara had seen her earlier today. The one with the brown hair. And even with a lover, Itachi was extremely successful. So maybe, Deidara thought, he could have someone as well. A few seconds ticked by before he laughed at that. No way. He didn't need anybody. He never will, right?
Deidara shook his head. What sort of absurd thoughts was he thinking of this time?
He flopped down on one of the beds, staring at the ceiling blankly, "What are we gonna do for the rest of the week?" Deidara asked Kurotsuchi, who was fixing up the white comforter on her bed, "Dunno. We can explore the village a bit more," she answered. The blonde nodded softly, "Yeah, un," he said. He leaned his head back against the pillow more, relishing the softness. Kurotsuchi smiled, and they both stayed silent, the sound of the water from the bathroom the only thing heard. Well, there was also Akatsuchi singing in the shower, but other than that, it was a complete absence of sound.

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