Chapter 6

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The soft wind hit Itachi's bedroom window, and he stared at it silently. Itachi usually knew how to deal with nearly any sort of situation that hit him, and yet, he didn't know what to do with the dilemma he was given. He did not want to marry, that bit he knew. It was his father, on the other hand, that wanted Itachi to live the rest of his life with Izumi.

Itachi sighed dejectedly, staring at the ceiling as he sat on his back on his bed. He closed his eyes wearily, pursing his lips together in concentration, in an attempt to find a way to get out of the mess he was in. But nothing came to mind.

Itachi understood that Fugaku wanted the Uchiha bloodline to grow, despite the fact that the Uchiha clan was plentiful. Perhaps Fugaku wanted grandchildren that came from his sons, not from the other members of the clan. Either way, Itachi knew there was no way he could get out of marrying Izumi. His father always got what he wanted.

And yet, there was a tugging in his chest, a feeling that refused to admit defeat. Deep down, Itachi didn't want to give in. Even if he always, always listened to what his father said, this time was different. He didn't want to marry a woman he didn't love in that way.

Sitting up in bed, Itachi furrowed his eyebrows. He decided, right there and then, that he would stall. Stall until the festival planned at the end of the third month, when the Chunin exams were to be over. He would find a solution, even if it killed him.

Because that feeling was growing by the minute as if screaming that there will be a way out of this. It was like a light in the dark, gradually getting stronger. And Itachi felt like it was a confirmation that he will find a special someone for him soon, and it'll save him from marriage.


Deidara opened his mouth wide, shovelling the Onigiri into it. His plate, once filled with the rice balls, was now empty except for some leftover rice crumbs. Deidara, Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi were in a nice, small restaurant (A/N Fuck, I'm not sure if they even have restaurants in the Naruto verse...I'm pretty sure there is tho. Even if there ain't, fuck that, there's one now.), sitting on red cushions, and a round wooden table lay before them.

As soon as the blonde was finished, he stood up from the cushions, patting his pants, "I'm gonna take a walk, un." he said, looking at Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi, who were still eating.

They both looked up from their food, surprised, "Hm? Well, wait for us then," Kurotsuchi said through a mouthful of rice balls, "We're almost finished."

Akatsuchi nodded, "Yeah. Wait for a little."

Deidara shook his head, "Nah. I'll meet you guys back at the inn. Besides, you both still need to finish unpacking, so no procrastinating, un."

Before Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi could protest, Deidara quickly walked out of the restaurant, giving them a sweet smile. Unbeknownst to the two, Deidara's real motives behind going for a walk was just so that he didn't have to pay the bill for the food.


The walk Deidara took wasn't very long. It was only long enough for Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi to head to the inn.

He reached the inn quickly, opening the entrance doors. He gave a nod let the lady in front of the desk, and then headed to his room.

He opened the door, surprised to see both Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi asleep in their beds. It seemed like unpacking was tiring work for them.

Deidara rolled his eyes, walking to the bathroom. He shut the door and then stared at his reflection.

His hairstyle was a bit like Itachi's, he now noticed. He grimaced at that thought. The Uchiha wasn't that great, so he didn't need to copy him.

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