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Of course Dipper thought to himself, of course this would happen. He had about the same luck as a broken mirror, maybe even worse than that. Possibly similar to a black cat looking into a broken mirror. He glanced behind himself nervously for the 5th time that hour and was caught in a smoldering gaze of molten gold. His breath caught in his throat as he forced himself to turn back around quickly, his inner omega whining at the loss but preening when he still felt him looking at him.

God, why couldn't he just have a peaceful year? What did he ever do in his past life to deserve such a thing? Dipper quickly shooed those thoughts away and tried to focus on what the teacher was saying but found that it was near impossible due to his jittery nerves. He sighed, annoyed with himself at this point. He glanced up at the clock on the wall indicating that he only had a few minutes left before the bell rang and quickly devised a plan of action.

First things first, he would wait until Bill left the classroom and then after would wait as long as he possibly could to maximize the distance between them before walking out of the classroom himself. This seemed like a fool proof plan in Dipper's mind, this was definitely the way to go and would cause him the least stress.

While he finished planning, not even 2 minutes later the bell signaled the students and staff that it was time to move onto the next class. Dipper cautiously watched in surprise as Bill got up fairly quickly and walked out of the room in fast paced strides. He was relieved, his plan was going to work better than he thought it would. He waited until he was one of the last people in the classroom before gathering everything into his backpack and making his way out of the room in relief.

His relief was short lived however when he took a few steps out of the class and was met by Bill, who slammed him into the lockers and caged Dipper in his arms like prey. Dipper let out a squeak and felt his face flush when he was met face to face with Bill's broad chest. He gingerly looked up to meet Bill's gaze when he noticed how angry he was. His eyes were liquid amber and were dripping of malice and something more, what it was Dipper couldn't identify.

Bill let out a low growl, "Why is it that I smell another alpha on you?"

Dipper swallowed thickly, he couldn't bring himself to answer the enraged alpha. He was much too afraid to do so.
Bill's eyes narrowed dangerously, "What not gunna answer me my little pine sapling?"

When Dipper didn't answer him he took the initiative to lean down to Dipper's level and start nosing around his neck. The smaller omega let out a small whine at the action which made Bill's eyes go impossibly wide. He watched as Dipper's face flushed to an incredible degree and chuckled, his face reminding him of a ripe tomato. Bill proceeded to lick a stripe up the younger's neck and began scenting him in an almost aggressive manner. His cheeks pushing into Dipper's scent glands and his tongue gliding along his neck teasingly. He then brought up Dipper's wrists to his face and started scenting them as well.

"The only alpha you should be smelling like is me," he growled.

Once he was happy with how heavily he had scented Dipper, that being the omega's scent was almost nonexistent under the embers, cinnamon, and whiskey, he promptly backed away from him and started walking towards his next class.

The young omega just stood there in shock, his knees buckling together deciding that his weight was too much to handle and he sank to the floor in a flustered mess. He raised his hands to his face in an attempt to cool his reddened cheeks. As he sat on the floor bathed in alpha pheromones he heard the one minute warning bell go off signaling that he was going to be late for class.

He bolted up from the floor and started sprinting to his next class, going as fast as his legs could carry him. He made a mad dash through the hallways and up the stairs, almost being stopped by a hall monitor for his rush. When he finally made it to the classroom he stepped in just as the bell rang and almost collapsed in relief just as the teacher side eyed him.

A Shot Of Whiskey (Billdip)Where stories live. Discover now