Bipolar Much?

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The 15 minutes went by pretty much without incident. Bill leaned back in his chair to admire his handy work. Although by no means was he the best artist out there, he certainly wasn't the worst. He had taken to drawing an eyeball creature with batlike wings. He used a smattering of color here and there but the whole thing was mostly done with the graphite from his pencil. He let out out a triumphed sound and considered what he had done something good enough to be proud of himself for.

He looked to his right, hoping to catch a glance at whatever it was that Dipper had been drawing. His questioning gaze was met with a beautifully drawn rabbit that was drawn in a semi-realistic style. The lines were still a bit sketchy but the sheer amount of detail that the kid had managed to put on the paper was astounding to him.

"Hey that's actually really good," Bill said quietly, almost like he was talking to himself. Yet the omega had still heard him.

He turned to face Bill, a small blush gracing his cheeks, "Oh, um, well thank you.. I guess," he replied, unsure of himself.

The blonde almost wanted to coo at how cute the younger was, but instead he opted to give him a soft genuine smile, "No problem pine tree."

The action sent Dipper's heart racing and he cursed himself inwardly for having such a reaction. This is wrong, Bill certainly shouldn't be smiling like that at him and he certainly shouldn't react that way. A small part of him wanted to slam his head into the table to drown out his thoughts but a bigger part of him told him that it would be too much pain to deal with. In the end he ended up just glaring at the paper in front of him, since it was the cause of his madness, or so he liked to think.

Mabel took notice of her brother's odd behavior and began questioning him, "What's wrong dip dop? You're glaring so hard at your drawing that I'm surprised that it hasn't burst into flames yet!" She laughed.

Dipper flushed scarlet at her words, embarrassed at being caught behaving so out of character, "Mabes! I wasn't glaring THAT hard." He weakly defended himself.

His sister snorted at him, "Of course you weren't dipping sauce, of course you weren't."

He pouted at her, "I really wasn't you're just exaggerating!"

"Aww, is wittle baby dip dot thwowing a fit?" She cooed at him.

The omega lightly growled at her and decided not to feed into her antics. He certainly didn't need this. He quickly turned away from his sister and held his head high, until a chuckle to his left made him turn to look at whoever made the sound. His curious stare led him to lock eyes with one highly amused Bill Cipher. Hell, he could practically see the amusement glittering in the blonde's eyes.

Dipper huffed, "What's so funny?" he asked.

Bill moved to rest his head against his hand, "How childish you're being."

The brunette glared at the alpha, "I really don't need to hear that, especially coming from you," he stated.

Bill furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Dipper had moved his gaze to the board in front of him, not wanting to look at the blonde. "It means that you're the most childish person I know," he paused a bit before adding, "besides Mabel of course but she has a pass since I love her."

The alpha's heart cracked a bit at his clear loathing for him, but he didn't let his emotions through his perfect facade, "Well you could love me too, then I would also get a pass." He then shot Dipper a wink.

The omega's face scrunched up in disgust, "Yea, no thanks, I don't think I could ever love you," he stated almost confidently.

Bill could almost feel his heart shattering at the sentence but kept the grin on his face, which only wavered slightly at the other's statement.

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