An Enemy Is An Enemy

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All 3 of them turned to look at the source of the booming voice. To everyone's surprise it was none other than Mabel Pines and she looked absolutely furious. Dipper felt a sense of relief rush through him as he caught sight of his sister, but to his disdain Bill only moved the omega to stand behind him once again. It was a silly thought but Dipper couldn't help but think that with the way Bill was acting, he was trying to protect him from his own sister.

The pungent smell of alpha rage filled the air once again, now coming from two sources. Dipper and Pacifica both shrunk down on themselves once more in a futile attempt to calm themselves.

Mabel let a growl rip from her throat as she watched the scene in front of her. Her baby brother and one of her friends were being forced into submission by some unknown alpha. She could feel her blood boiling as it was racing through her veins. She stalked towards the trio and glared heavily at Bill.

"And just who the HELL do you think that you are?!" She snarled.

Bill sent a smirk filled with malice towards her, "The name's Bill Cipher, it's been a while shooting star!"

Mabel felt herself freeze for the tiniest fraction of a second, there was only one person who called her shooting star and she never thought that she would see him again. She steeled her gaze once more and let out a threatening growl, not letting her unease show on her face.

"Here I thought you had disappeared from our lives forever, Cipher," she hissed out at him.

The other alpha only chuckled darkly, "Please! How could I let my omega go just like that?" Just as he finished speaking he moved Dipper even more to be completely behind him.

She felt a fresh wave of anger roll off her body at his proclamation. "Don't you DARE speak about him like he's yours when all you've ever done is torment him!"

Bill snarled at her, "I couldn't have let him go unpunished when he so clearly disobeyed me."

Mabel rushed forward and grabbed Bill by the collar, baring her teeth at him, "You have absolutely NO RIGHT to speak of him like that!"

Dipper felt tears running down his face as he glanced up towards the fighting alphas. He distinctly heard the other omega mewl in fear and was taken over with a sense of understanding. He backed away from Bill and ran towards Pacifica's form that was now bent over on the floor from utter terror. When he got close enough that he was standing next to her he crouched down beside her and wrapped his arms around her trembling body. She seemed to slightly relax at this even if it was only a little.

His relief however took the shape of horror as he heard a sickening smack reverberate through the empty hallway. His eyes shot up to look at the pair of alphas who were now escalating from a verbal match to a physical one.

Mabel had taken the first swing and had hit Bill square in his jaw. This caused the other alpha to become even more livid and he took in her satisfied face as he threw a right hook at her. She was too caught up in her small victory and noticed a fraction of a second too late that he was coming right for her. She tried to duck under his punch but she was too slow and he ended up knocking the top half of her head.

She staggered backwards hoping to regain herself when her vision shifted towards the ceiling abruptly. Bill had kicked her legs out from under her and she fell to the floor with a loud thud. He was on top of her in the blink of an eye moving to swing at her again, but before he could she shoved him with as much force as she could muster, effectively knocking him off of her.
Mabel scrambled to her feet and while Bill was collecting himself on the floor she took the opportunity to send a kick to his ribs with all of her strength. He grunted in pain and his hand shot up to the place where her shoe had just been, clutching at his chest he coughed twice and tried to get away from her.

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