How Strange

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Everyone paled at the arrival of the newcomer. They had all been caught by none other than Tad Strange. He was known throughout the school to be an upstanding student, so of course it would be just their luck that he had caught them all fighting. Although he didn't look to be an upstanding student, with his dyed purple hair and the way he usually dressed in current trends of street fashion. Today he was wearing a dark purple bomber jacket with a striped collared button up shirt underneath and ripped jeans that had chains attached to the belt loops.

Tad peered down at the group from his place as they were all somewhat sitting on the floor. How odd he thought, this was a very unusual group of people indeed.

Pacifica was the first to voice her reaction, "Go away, Strange no one wants you here," she spat.

He chuckled, "My my, where are your manners Ms. Northwest?"

The platinum blonde only glared at him, "I seem to have forgotten them the same place where you forgot to not stick your nose into other people's business."

Her response caused the beta to raise his eyebrows in surprise, "I'm most certain that's not what I was doing, I was only checking on the ruckus that was sounding throughout this hallway," he drawled.

Bill sneered at him, "Well as you can clearly see," he gestured to himself and the group, "this isn't an issue that concerns you, square."

He sighed at the blonde and looked over his clear injuries and then glanced towards Mabel who was supporting her own wounds.

The purple haired beta shrugged his shoulders, "Well it seems pretty clear to me that there was a fight here!" He feigned concern. "And what kind of student would I be if I didn't report this incident." He gave them all a smile that was certainly filled with poorly concealed malice.

Dipper's eyes widened, he didn't know what he would do if Mabel got suspended or worse, expelled because of him.

Wide mocha eyes met swirling amethyst ones, "Please don't tell anyone!"

Tad's grin only grew wider at Dipper's clear anxiety, "Now why in the world..." he trailed off and took a step closer to the group, "would I ever do that?"

Mabel glanced towards her brother worriedly before turning to look at the beta, "Please we'll do anything!"

He seemed to contemplate this for a few seconds, bringing his hand to rest under his chin in a thoughtful manner, "Hmm... well if you say anything then I do have something in mind."

All four of them blanched and became rightfully worried about what he would coerce them into doing. After all, they didn't want anything to go down on their spotless records.

Bill growled softly to himself, if it was anyone else he would have been able to bribe them or force them into silence. Yet to his chagrin it was the square Tad Strange himself.

Dipper gulped, trying to shake off his nerves at the sentence, "And what would that be?"

Tad turned to look back towards Dipper and smiled, his eyes twinkling with delight, "I'm sure you all wouldn't mind if I stuck around to hang out with you all? This quartet you have going on sure is an entertaining bunch!"

This surprised all of them, they had certainly expected much worse than just that, but they weren't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. While none of them were happy about it, especially Bill, they couldn't really afford to turn down his offer.

Mabel sighed, "Well if that's all you w-" she was cut off.

"What the fuck is your game, Strange?" Bill snarled at him.

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