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How the hell was he going to explain the unfamiliar alpha smell on him? Dipper's thoughts raced a mile a minute as he just stared blankly at his grunkle's stony face. He willed his face not to convey any of the distress he felt on the inside, that however did not stop the distress from seeping slightly into his scent, which he knew that his grunkle could smell.

He fought an internal battle with himself before he decided that it was best to just tell Stan the truth of the situation. Well most of the truth that is, he would try to include as less detail as he could and warp the story to not make his grunkle worry about him.

"My alpha friend scented me," he said slowly, almost sounding unsure of himself.

His grunkle looked at him incredulously, "And why the hell would they do that?" He asked, the statement itself was absurd to him.

At that moment Dipper went back on his decision to tell Stan the truth, fuck it he was going to lie through his teeth.

"Mabel's scent got rubbed off and I felt scared about not being scented," he bit his lip and looked down, he was unable to look his grunkle in the eye.

He could also feel Mabel's stare on him, he knew she wasn't going to say anything at the moment in order to not mess up his story, but he knew that they were most likely going to talk about it later.

Stan raised his eyebrow, "Really now? How did Mabel's scent get rubbed off then?"

Dipper paled, he had to think fast to come up with something else, "My hood kept itching me and I kept rubbing at my neck so it went away," he blurted out.

The older man kept the same quizzical look on his face, "Right, so why didn't you just ask Mabel to reapply her scent on you?"

"I don't share any of my early classes with her and it was before lunchtime," the longer the discussion continued the more frayed his nerves were getting.

Stan gave him a hard-pressed stare and his lips drew into a thin line before his face softened and he let out a resigned sigh. "Alright, whatever kid. It's your life I guess."

He then turned away from Dipper and focused his eyes on the TV, getting lost in the latest Ducktective episode. The brunette turned away from his grunkle and let out a shaky breath. That could have gone so much worse and he was so glad that it didn't. He didn't need his grunkles worrying about him on top of Mabel. That was just adding too much unnecessary stress into his life.

He shot a look at Mabel who had sank into her seat in relief, they shared relieved grins. It wasn't as if they didn't trust their family, it was just the fact that they were dealing with Bill Cipher. If the Stans even got a hint that it was a Cipher they both would have flipped their tops, especially Ford. Dipper didn't know the exact context of what had happened between them and the Ciphers but he knew that it wasn't anything good.

There it was, just another reason that he should be avoiding Bill, why couldn't the annoying blonde just leave him alone? He was eager to see the day that the alpha would get off his back and he had only been back for a day. He was already fed up with him and his antics.

Dipper reflected on the day's events and noticed with a slight frown that Bill hadn't actually done anything that would be considered mean. Sure he would get into his personal space and be annoyingly clingy all the time, but he wasn't being a bully like he was in the past. This greatly confused him, he didn't know what Bill was planning, but he was certain that it wouldn't end well for him.

He let out a frustrated groan, not liking where he thought his life was headed. He got up from the squishy embrace that the couch provided and trekked towards the kitchen, in search of comfort food. He opened the fridge door and grabbed a can of his favorite soda, Pitt cola, and then promptly shut the door once again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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