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Jimin tapped his fingers meditatively, lost in thought. 

Yes, it will be that way. When Mr. Im and the others send a letter of confirmation, I will have all my chess pieces in place. Then on the day of reelection for head of the Society, I will make my move and he will be trapped in a corner, all exits routes closed. And he will bow his head when he realizes that he has no way out, and to fight would mean death. 

"Sir?" Namjoon tentatively asked, peeking his head in with letter in hand. It had been days since the letters were mailed out and Jimin had always seemed to be out of it, a distant look in his eyes and paler skin than usual, worry lines on his forehead coupled with eye bags. He was drowning himself in long overdue work that the company desperately needed finished in order to proceed with the renovations and projects. Anytime Jimin could snap and Namjoon just hoped it wouldn't be him on the receiving end...maybe Suga instead? Namjoon quirked a smile at the thought but quickly wiped it off of his face when Jimin's eyes returned to normal. 

"I assume they all responded affirmative?" The vampire asked, brushing a hand over his hair and using the other to receive the bundle of letters. 

"I would hope so." Namjoon cautiously replied, flinching when Jimin's red eyes landed on his, ready to apologize profusely for something he didn't know that he had done wrong. 

Nothing came, instead, Namjoon heard Jimin sigh and open the letters. Scanning briefly and noting without surprise the consent of the other parties, he set them aside. 

"Namjoon..." Jimin began, sinking back into his chair and pinching the bridge of his nose, "Have a seat." He gestured to the couch, rising and sitting adjacent to the one Namjoon now occupied. 

"Do you think I'm doing this right? For Jungkook?" Jimin drank a glass of blood, closing his eyes exhaustedly. 

Namjoon was silent.  It was not often Jimin came to him for advice, and hardly at all when Jungkook was even more involved with the Society business, instead going to him for advice. 

"Jungkook will naturally understand your intentions." Namjoon indirectly replied, thoughtfully scanning Jimin's laid back figure on the couch. 

"It's just...I'm not scared if Jungkook's angry with me, but that's only if I know I am doing the right thing. Namjoon, it's a society created centuries ago and deeply embedded into vampire society. I can't just uproot it." 

"I think Mr. Im is a justice seeking man. Although Mr. Wang may be cocky and unrestrained, I think his group is filled with kind hearted individuals like Mr. Choi and Mr. Kim." 

"Your meaning...?" Jimin sat up, attention captured. 

"You can make Mr. Im and his group the governors of the vampire system. Because you have every single evidence that goes against them in your hands, they are easy to control. But, I think that even without your control, they are fitted for the job." Namjoon elaborated, Jimin's tired face finally breaking out into a smile. 

"That's it. I'll trust you to make the necessary arrangements."

Namjoon watched as Jimin's form quickly strode out of the office, a  hard determination in every step. Reaching his chambers in no time, he sat down on the bed, next to the sleeping figure. 

"Jungkook, this is for your own good. I don't care if you hate me for it, because all I want for you is freedom and a smile upon your face." 

Full lips met slim and a tender moment was created. 



A short chapter before the climax ;) 

I'm insanely grateful for all the reads up till now, thank you so much for being on their journey with me at the age of 13. I am surprised this work was so successful, almost 18,000 reads! I appreciate all the reads and votes! 

But today, I also want to give a big shout out to ALL THE MOMS! It's Mother's Day on Hawaii, and I baked brownies for my sweet mother! It's a day to appreciate and reflect on the things your mother has done all for you, supporting you through the hard times and working her butt off so you can go to school and give you the best of opportunities!

Next chapter, the CLIMAX will be out soon ;)




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