chapter one

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All characters belong to shannon messenger.
Sophie was taking a walk along that path by that cliffs. The scenery was beautiful. The sun was setting and the stars were starting to come out .Sandor was in gildingham(tell me if I spelled that wrong) so she was by herself. she laid down on the soft grass, looking up at the stars. The sky was a deep purple now. I should get home.
Walking home, Sophie heard a branch snap behind her. She whipped around .no one. Weird.she kept on walking.she thought she saw someone in the shadows.your just being paranoid, there's no one there ,your safe. But Sophie knew that wasn't true. Suddenly everything went black.
"Hello?" She called, hoping this was just a prank. She was panicking."hello Sophie." A familiar voice said. No, this couldn't be happening, its a dream. Its all a dream. Someone came up behind her and bound her wrists , while pressing a sweet cloth to her nose and mouth. She kicked, thrashed, screamed and clawed in a useless attempt to get away. Eventually she gave up, knowing she wouldn't escape, and her mind slipped away.

Her head throbbed. Her mind cloudy.She saw an elegant silver bracelet on her wrist. An ability restrictor.  panic rose inside her. She looked around. She was in a bare room. No windows . no decorations. Even the door was the same shade of grey as the walls. The door creaked open and she looked in horror as she saw.....

I'm sorry, this was a really short chapter, this is my first fanfic, so I hope you like it .😁 also, I will try to update once every week.

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