chapter three

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It had been a year. Sophie mastered every technique, she was probably the best fighter in the whole organization.she took out her anger, guilt, regret, on the poor person that was assigned to spar with her.she was untouchable. She blocked,  parried, in a flurry of knives. By the time she was done, the other girl was a sweaty heap on the floor breathing heavily, while Sophie was perfectly fine. Ruby walked in. "Lady Gisela requests your presence."Sophie followed along bored.
"Leave us ruy. Sophie, you will be going on your first mission.the black swan has captured one of our bases. We will be getting it back, and yes your friends will be there. You ruy and Alvar will be going at midnight. Take this time to get prepared."
Sophie left.oh no.Keefe's going to be there.  Sophie took several knives, and her sword.she was ready. She put her friends out of her Mind. This is my home now. The black swan is my enemy. I have No friends.
They arrived at the hideout. Sophie was supposed to wait in the woods, and when she saw them she eould attack. She checked telepathicly if anyone was here, but didn't feel anyone but alvar and ruy. She didn't see anyone. Then she heard something."Sophie.come with us, we can leave now, you will be safe."biana. They were expecting them . she transmitted to the others , its an ambush .she followed the sound of her old friends voice. She attacked her,  punching and kicking until Bianca was was just her. She removed the device on her head, it must have been what was blocking her telepathy, then ties her up .She looked down on her friend. If she wanted Amy to live, she had work to do. Now that Bianca was down, they didn't have a vanisher anymore. She heard a shuffle. Someone was behind her. She pretended not to notice and kept walking. She suddenly turned around, facing Keefe , fitz, and dex. She controlled her emotions, so Keefe couldn't read them. Silently drawing three daggers, she threw, hitting each of them in the leg, right on target.they doubled over, groaning, but it had served its purpose. They couldn't fight. She tied them up. And Keefe said."foster, don't do this ." she walked away, not looking back.she regrouped with her team . they had won back the base, and captured four members of the black swan.  it was a victory.

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