Chapter Nine

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Sophie POV

As soon as she stopped talking to fitz and keefe she immediately felt guilty and transmitted  im sorry. She desperately wanted to see her friends, but she had to wait until this last base was destroyed. Then she could go back. They probably all hated her by now. She had run away, to fight the neverseen. She had gotten ready to attack the last base when she heard a shuffle. She turned around to see Dex and forkle. Then everything went black.

I woke up to a bright light shining in face, making me wince. I tried to look around the room, but I lifted my head to fast and immediately got dizzy. Slowly I saw all my friends and the collective. Keefe was sleeping next to me in a chair with both my parents in a huddle with everyone else. I was in my bed. I guess they hadn't taken me to the healing center because everyone was scared of me. They were whispering but I could still hear them. " we sedated her...... crazy.......neverseen....shes different..... changed....wait, I think shes awake." They turned to me. I had gotten up and was sitting on the edge of the bed. 
"What did you do?" I asked coldly. Dex looked at the floor guiltily. "We tracked you with a tracker and sedated you." I was shocked. When had they even put a tracker in me?
"WHAT?" I shouted. "Look," mr. Forkle said " This is why we put a tracker on you. We knew we would have to eventually track you. " I glared at everyone and said. "GET OUT" surprisingly everyone obeyed without a word. Once they were out I locked the door and sat against it. Replaying the conversation I wondered why they would obey so quickly. Maybe I was a mesmer.

I really like the song at the top. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I've just had stuff going on . I'll try to update more often. Once again sorry.

 Once again sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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