Chapter Eight

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Sophie POV

The first base was in the forbidden cities, to be specific, in Florida. Me and my old family used to go there for vacation. They had a base in an old house. It was overgrown by vines and other plants. There was nothing in the yard, making to look like no one lived there. I didn't bothered knocking and burst through the door. Two of the never seen stared at me in shock, then burst into action. It wasn't at all a fair fight. Two inexperienced new recruits against the moonlark. But I didn't care, I want revenge, and nothing can stop me. After them, I looked through the hideout. No one else was there. I down, four to go.

Keefe POV

I had to contact Sophie, to make sure she was okay. But I haven't seen her in a week. "FITZ!!!!" I yell. As soon as he comes running up the stairs of everglen I tell him my plan. I really hope shes still alive.

Sophie POV

It had been a week since I have seen my friends. I missed them. But I have invaded all four bases on the forbidden cities, only one left. There are probably even more, due to the fact that the head members only told small peices of information to the recruits. This was going to take a while. I laid down to take a nap in my apartment I had gotten in the lost cities, when I heard a voice.

I had been blocking the transmissions, so I haven't talked to them all week.
Where have you been? We haven't seen you all week, everyone's been worried!
I miss you all, but I'm doing something important, and I'll come back when I'm done.
Please come home. We can help you. I promise
I'm sorry, but I can't.

With that she cut the connection.

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