Chapter five

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I woke up to an alarm. I rolled out of bed ready to fight. After grabbing several weapons, I headed down the hall way. She didn't see anyone, so tried to track their thoughts. She was surprised to find that there was a small group of people right atoind the corner. It was tam, linh, and part of the collective. They must be here to break her friends out. She put away her daggers, and walked to where they were. They put down their shadows, but looked suspicious of her. "I can take you to them." She said, even though she didn't even know if they would trust her. Sophie had read lady giselas mind on one of the missions. They were in this facility. She led them to a row of cells. Once they were all out, she took them to a secret exit. She wanted so much to go with them, but she didn't know if they would take her back. The never seen had Amy anyways. Sophie grabbed all her weapons and prepared to get Amy out. After what she had just done, Amy would probably get punished. She got to her cell, and opened the door. And what she found would haunt her for the rest of her life. A cloaked figure stood behind her wide eyed sister, holding a knife to her throat. Then the figure sliced her throat with the gleaming knife. She was feeling every emotion. Anger, guilt, grief, and she wanted revenge. She threw her knives hitting the figure, and watched him\her crumple to the ground. Now there was nothing keeping her from leaving. She got out and jumped off a cliff, teleporting to havenfield.

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