Chapter Six

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Sophie pov

I immediately saw Grady and edaline trying to get verdy to eat new food. They looked up, and saw the bloodstains and grime on my face. They ran to me, embracing me in a long-awaited hug. I sunk into it, relishing the feeling of safety and love. Both of then pulled back, and I hoped they weren't going to ask too many questions, I don't think im able to relive Amy's death. They must have seen my expression and didn't ask any questions, just told me how much they loved me , and how they had missed me. Once Edaline and Grady were done, I went upstairs to take a shower and  get ready to leave again. I wanted to stay, but I had to avenge Amy. I packed all my weapons, and turned around to find Keefe. I ran to hug him, crying. Would he ever forgive me? Or was it too late? I had missed him so much. He hugged me back. "I'm so, so sorry." I murmered into his shoulder. He pulled away, and  looked at me. "You have NOTHING to be sorry for. You were kidnapped by the never seen. You can't control that." He looked at the bag, his eyes questioning. So I spilled everything. Now he knew why I was going. He knew I had to go. After what felt like a couple minutes he spoke. "At least stay and see all our friends, please. No one has seen you yet, and they don't even know your back."
"Just stay to see them. We can hail them right now and everyone can come over today. Please."
I nodded in agreement. We hailed everyone, even Mr. Forkle. I was standing by the doorway in my room when everyone came in. Biana and Dex immediately ran over to hug me and make sure I was okay. I looked up to see Fitz looking at me strangely. Eventually everyone came to greet me and ask questions except Fitz. He just stood there looking at me. I was nervous about how he would react.
"Fitz?" He looked at me, and I saw the fury in his eyes. He looked mad and disgusted at me. "Why are you here? You joined the NEVERSEEN! You don't get to just waltz right back in like nothing happened. You betrayed us!" Eventually he stopped, and lowered his voice. "Your just a failed experiment." He tried to storm out, but Keefe grabbed his arm and swung him back around, landing several punches. Fitz pushed him down and was over him punching and kicking. I could feel it coming. All the emotions I had felt recently, coming out. Everyone drooped to the ground. She had inflicted on all of them. Even Keefe and her parents. "I'm sorry." She whispered. She walked out grabbing her bag along the way.

Hey! I finally dod an update! I hope you enjoy it, and please comment!

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