Chap one

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Starlit pov

I go down stairs in my soccer uniform and my soccer bag . I see my dumbass brother is sleeping in the sofa .

I don't want to wake him up because he isn't going to take me to my soccer game in the first place .

So I just walk out of the house and I start heading to my game ....

One hour later ....

I'm in the first half of my game and I don't even bother looking out to see if Tyler my brother is here . He used to come to my games but not any more since our parents died in a car crash.

" Let's go monkey !!!! " I stop in my pace to see the third commander my best friend Sam there sitting down on the ground cheering me on ..

I give him a weak smile and I go to my position . I see the alpha is here to cheering for his slut of a girl friend that's coaching the other team . Once he sees me he starts cheering for me as well because he just got here ....

The game starts out of no where I just start moving weaving through people then bam I scored ...

My team mates call me tinkle toes ... They say I dance with the ball but I don't see how though ...

Later on during the game ......

I am here at the 60 yards away or even farther away .

I honestly don't think I can make the goal from this point . I hear every one calling me tinkle toes I don't see my brother here every one on my team is at the goal is to ready to get it if I don't score .

I take a deep breath looking around then I look back at the ball . I look around and I see the team I get ready to kick the ball to get it to my team ... I stand there as the ball goes to the upper right corner of the goal ..

My eyes widen as the ball goes in I can hear people cheering . My team jumping up and down . Then I see every body is here just looking at us . I have my mouth wide open and I can also feel my eyes were widen ....

I feel some one throwing their arms around me letting me into the air .

"Way to go tickle toes !!!! " I hear Angel tell me walking his way towards me while my team goes to the bench ... I look down and I Sam ... " Way to do it monkey !!! " He says I must of had the biggest smile on my face ....

" Thanks Sam , angel but you guys I have to go to my team ...." I say covering my face because I'm most likely red right now .

" Your doing great monkey okay ...." Sam says to me while putting me down on the floor .

I go to my team and they give me some water .... I'm happy that I made the shoot and all but I wish my grandfather , parents and brother was here to see this ....

I look in the stands once more and I see my gramps is right their where angel and Sam are..

He has a big smile on his face and he was waving at me . I smile at him and waved to see him ...

45 minutes later

The game is over and the score is 5-0 which means we win . I grab my stuff and I run towards my grandfather .

" Gramps !!! " I say running full speed towards him almost knocking him down on the ground .

" Hey !!! Slow down will y'all ? " He says and I giggle with a smile on my face .

" Well sweetie I've only came to see you play but I have something to do so I can't take you home I'm sorry ...."

" It's cool gramps honestly it is ... I can walk ..." I say as I walk him to his car ... The guys are walking with us because they know about his wolf being special ...

I have never seen him in his wolf form come to think about it .. My gramps gives me one finally hug and kiss in my cheek then hops into his car and drives off....

" Hey good job kiddo .... " Angel says to me and I just nod my head as they hop into their own cars . Angel girl friend well slut rolls her eyes and pushes me ..

They hop off into their car just leaving me with Sam ....

" Hop in monkey . " He tells me I hop in because knowing him he was going to pick me up throwing me over his shoulder and putting me in his car .

Minutes later

We make it to my house he drops me off leaving me there on the drive way .....

I walk in side to see Tyler there awake just looking at tv . He doesn't even look at me I go straight to My room ...

" Hey fat ass I'm going out to night so don't wait up .... "

He says before I close my door to my room .

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