Chap 39

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Angels pov

I'm here with her crystal she's not such a bad child ...

" Hey do you want something to eat ??? " I ask because she seems pretty shy starlit told me she will be this way then after a while in going to see the little devil side of her ....

She shakes her head looking at me and we just look at each other she looks like her mother ....

" Food !? " She says I nod my head and I start going down the stairs .... I stop because I notice she isn't coming down the stairs with me ...

" Come on.. " I say looking back at her and she pouts standing at the edge of the step ...

" No mumma walks with me .... " She says and I walk up to her and she holds out her hand ...

I just stand there and she grabs my hand she makes a good grip on mine and she hangs on to the other side of the reel .....

She slowly goes down the stairs with her iron grip on my hand .....

We get down stairs and she still has my hand in hers into the kitchen ....

"What do you want to eat ?? "

" I don't know!!! " She says making me laugh because that was something I would do when I was younger bugging my mum to get me food but I never knew what I wanted ...

" Hoebow!! " She says and I just look at because I don't know what she means .....

" Hoebow???? What's that ?? " I asked looking at her ....

" Food!!!! "

" Hang on let me ask mummy what that is ...." I told her and I Sam on the cell phone .

Come on pick up the cell phone .....

" Hello ?? "

" Hey can you put her on I have a question to ask her ??? "

" Sure hang on ...."

" Hello !!!? What happen !!! Is she okay !???!! What's wrong !!??!! " She says and I can tell I scared her ....

" Wow !!! Claim down she's fine !!!! I was just calling to asks what the heck are you feeding her this child ?!!! Hoebow??? What's that ??? "

" She means meatloaf ..... Just tell her I'll make some once I get home in a few days angel .... "

" Okay well gotta go ..."

" Don't give her any sugar before you put her to bed!!!!! " She yells while I hanged up on her I know she's gonna kill me for that .....

So I look in around and my mom is looking at me ....

" How is she ?? "

" Who starlit or the baby ?? "

" Both ..: "

" Starlit is going to kill for hanging up in her and what do I make meatloaf with because she wants some .... " I say pointing to crystal ....

" Okay I'll make dinner you play with the baby .... " She says and I nod my head and I walk pass the baby .....

After a while I notice she wasn't with me so I went back at the kitchen and she's looking at my mom ....

" Come on baby .... "

"No .... "

" Sweet heart it's okay .... you can go with him ..... "

" No .." she says walking away from me .....

" Why not sweet heart ....? " My mom says looking at her ...

" I help mumma when she cooks !!! I wanna help !!! " Crystal pouts and she's so cute ....

" Oh ... would you like to help me ?? " My mom offers and crystal and she turns that pout into a smile ....

" Come on let's wash up why don't we ...... "

Crystal nods her head and she starts slapping .....

" Prince !!? lalalalla ..... " Crystal sings and I remember when her mom was here that time she cooked with music on and I catched her dancing by her self ......

I went to get the speaker for my iPhone and I plugged it in while they were cooking watching them ....

After my mom chopped up every thing crystal started eating it the Veggs. mom chopped up ....

" Hey !!! " My mom says playful to her crystal just giggles and stuffs more in her mouth ....

Once my mom got the meat out and they mixed up every thing up in a bowl .... I took crystal to wash her hands because she was touching raw meat .....

After that I put her down and she took off ....

" Wait crystal !!! " I said now I think she's not shy anymore .....

Now off to go get her ......

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