Chap 15

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Angel pov

We get home and there's a note on the table .

It says...

" No parties to night we going to be gone so your on your own for dinner .... love mum ..."

" We'll like we can starve to night ...."

" No come I'll make something to eat ....". She says and she goes into the kitchen .....

" Well let's see here ..... mm you want chicken soup ??? "

" You know how too cook ? "

" Yes . Tyler doesn't know how I've learned when I was younger .... "

" Sure .... I guess we will have soup ... " I say walking closer to her and to get what ever she might need .....

" Hey what would you need ??? "

" Go shower stinky butt ... you can use one I got the food besides its gonna be a while until it's ready ....."

" Okay if you say so .... "

I go up stairs and do what am told to do.

After the shower

I walk out with my shirt on and a pair of basket ball shorts on and I hear music is on .....

I walk into the kitchen and I see her dancing she moves like she has a ball down at her feet ..... But she doesn't she's putting stuff in the pot she's a good dancer that's why she's so good at the dam sport ....

I just stand there quietly just watching smallz really knows her stuff dang how does she know how to
Dance like that ???

Sam ? No I've seen the punk dance he has two left feet.....

I walk over to her and I pull her hips to me ....

" Maybe you can use a partner ... " I said and she just stops what she's doing and she just looks at me for a while ..... I hear the beat of the music and I start moving the way she did .......

We start moving and glaring the way she was but this time she has me .....

We start smiling at each other and I see she's blushing I've never seen her blush while smiling .

We stop once the music stops she turns back to the food and I smirk to my self she's a good kid and all but why does she do this .....

" Do you want some help ??? "

" Sure ..". She says and I help her we start working in the kitchen .....

Minutes later we our selfs start doing homework and I'm trying to get it but it doesn't work so it looks like I got the brains over she's teaching me how to do my work since I don't pay attention in class..

One hour later

The food is done and I'm joking around with her about her cooking .,

" Just shut up and eat it !! If you don't I will .... " She tells and I'm laughing because the way she said it ....

I take my bowl and I site down in the living room and she sites down with me .......

I take a bite out of my soup and it's good . So good I start inhaling it and she looks at me then starts laughing ....

Once it's gone I run to the pot to get more ....

" Hey don't eat it all !!!! You fatty !!!!!! "

" Hey it's not my fault your a good cook !!!!!!! " I growl at her and I swear I can marry this girl right now fuck it's that good .......

Hours later

I ended up earring the whole pot and now we are done with our home work .....

I see she hasn't gotten a good night rest in a while and she's falling asleep ....

I pick her up and I place her on my lap I stroke her hair before she fights me ...

She falls asleep on me in no time and I just look at her while we are on the sofa .....

After a while I get sleepy and I'm pass out on the sofa looking at her while she snuggle up to me ......

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