Chapter Fourteen: That's Her

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Chapter Fourteen: That's Her

Lizzy's P.O.V. 

The plan was perfect. I'd go up to Mr. Booker when he arrived and tell him I knew everything. If it went right, they'd tell Chica and Freddy to stuff me, since Bonnie would be backstage. We didn't know why, though. He just wanted to be back there.

So, they'd stuff me. Only they'd stuff me in an empty Freddy suit they had in the back. But Mr. Booker would believe I was dead. So, as he would think he had succeeded, Freddy and Chica would stuff him in a real suit hidden nearby. 

Why Freddy and the others didn't just attack him, you ask? Well, turns out Mr. Booker had an app on his phone. It let him hack into the animatronics with the press of a button. I always wondered why he'd walk in with his phone on at his side. I guess that was why, to prepare himself in case they attacked. So, we had to improvise. Get him to put his phone away. 

Everyone got into positions as Mr. Booker's pulled up. I hid inside of the office, ready to jump out like I did on Day One. Only this time I'd stop at the stage stairs. I ran out of the office and stop in my planned position.


He had a shocked expression on his face.


He chuckled, then began walking towards me. I started stepping up the stairs, afraid he could hear my heart pound. 

"Oh, Lizzy. I knew you were a fool right from the start." He said, then chuckled again.

He followed me up onto the stage. Freddy and Chica looked over at us, then walked over. 

"Well, if you know, I'm afraid we'll have to kill you." He continued. "Bad for business if it gets to the public- Oh, and who told her? Nevermind, just stuff her."

Chica grabbed my shoulder and head, then began stuffing me into the fake suit.

"No! NO!!!" I cried, pretending to be in pain. Chica fully stuffed me in the suit, then shoved the head on. She took a step back.

For a few seconds, Mr. Booker just stared at me. Then he chuckled again.

"You expect me to believe that she's dead?"

My hazel eyes widened, and my breathing became heavier. He took off the head and stared into my worried eyes. 

"Lies!" He shouted, then threw the head off the stage. He shoved me off of the boxes I was on. I fell to the ground with a thunk, pain surging through my body.

"You're working with her! How dare you betray me!" Mr. Booker said. He yanked me out of the suit by my hair and arms. Looking around frantically, he grabbed the hidden suit. The real suit. My eyes became even wider. After setting the suit down, he began to shove me in.

It felt as if my feet were about to fall off, it hurt so bad. I screamed loudly in pain as I felt the blood ooze out. Tears began flowing down my face as I stared up at the ceiling. I tried to stop myself from getting shoved in further, but before I knew it, the pain was close to my knees.

"Lizzy! NO!" Said Chica. Her and Freddy tried to come and save me, but Mr. Booker pressed a button on his phone. They were shocked, and knocked against the wall. 

I began screaming loudly. I looked at Mr. Booker for a split second, then looked around frantically. "HELP! HELP ME! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!!!" I shouted, then continued to scream. 

"No one's gonna help you." Said Mr. Booker coldly.

"LIZZY! LIZZY, ARE YOU OKAY?" I heard Xavier exclaim. Quick footsteps echoed through the building as his gray Vans hit the tile. There were a few more after that. 

The suit had gotten up to my waist. Everyone looked at me, wide-eyed. "LIZZY!!!" Kaitlyn shouted. They tried to come to me, but Mr. Booker pressed another button on his phone. Foxy forcefully grabbed my friends, sadness in his eyes.

"I-I-I can't let go. Sorry mateys." He said with gloom.

Mr. Booker smirked evilly, stopping for a second. He looked back at me. For a second, I thought I heard a door open. But I was too afraid to pay much attention to it.

"Now, where were we?" He began shoving me again, and I screamed louder. 

"NO! STOP! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO HER!!!" Xavier shouted, trying to shove himself out of Foxy's arms. Mr. Booker grinned as he looked at Xavier, not shoving me for a brief moment. 

"You can't tell me what to do. I am your boss, after all."

The suit had barely passed my waist when somewhere ran onto the stage. Someone oddly familiar. She had extremely short honey blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. You should see faded blue hair dye on the tips of her bangs. She was wearing a blue dress shirt, gray dress jacket, and a gray dress skirt. She was wearing cream-colored kitten heels, and looked to be around her early thirty's.

I realized she was the woman I talked to after Night One. 

"Stop!" She said loudly and firmly. Mr. Booker looked at her, and his eyes widened. He let me go and fully turned around to look at her. The effects of his phone stopped, and Foxy let go. Xavier, Kaitlyn and Jake ran over to me. Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy came over, too.

"I'm alive!" Said the woman again. "Now can you please stop killing all these people? Am I the only reason?"

Mr. Booker didn't respond. His happiness was showed in weird gestures and sounds. He began crying heavily, then walked over to the girl and hugged her tightly. The girl, with a blank expression, hugged him back.

Xavier and Freddy grabbed my arms, then started pulling me out of the suit. As soon as I got out, I realized I wouldn't be walking for a while. My legs were covered with blood and cuts. Even some of my uniform was stained. My black flats had gotten suck inside of the shoe, revealing the missing nail on my pinky toe. Pain continued to surge through my body. 

"Are you okay?" Xavier asked. I forced a smile, then looked up at him and nodded, tears still in my eyes. He must've instantly knew I was faking it, because he picked me up in a bridal style. 

Everyone looked over at Bonnie, who stared blankly at Mr. Booker and the girl hugging. 

"Bonnie? You okay?" Jake asked. Bonnie ignored him, still looking at the two. After a few seconds, he finally spoke. 

"...That's her."



1. This is the second to last chapter before the epilogue and teaser to the sequel! Well... It's gonna be more of a prequel-sequel. WHO CARES? STILL COUNTS! AND EVERYTHING WILL BE EXPLAINED!!!!!

2. I dunno what to put her lemme think...

3. Sorry there were no updates for a week! I was away for the holidays. But I'm back now, and will try to post the last chapter tomorrow!

4. I know, this is a short book. But forgive me, I didn't intend for this to happen. Sowwie. ;-;

5. Derpy enchilada

Bye! See you in the next chapter!

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