Aruns call

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It was Friday. Today maybe I get a call from Arun. Why am I so excited about it? I don't like him. I hate him. Uhm jup, I hate him. Definitely hate him.
Lia: "so it's the daily hating speech?!"
Me: "no it's not."
Lia: "we all know that you like your husband."
*took a deep breath out *
Me: "I don't even know. How he can do this all?"
Lia: "what do you mean?"
Me: "it's just the way that Arun's mother treat me."
Lia: "I know."
Me: "you know?"
Lia: "yes I do. I had a crush on Arun back in college. But my friend as you may know had also a crush on him longer then my. She blackmailed me. She told me that I should tell arun's mother that I liked him and that I was pregnant with his. I hadn't a choice back then. So I went to his mother's house. I told that I am having a child from her son. She scolded me. After I never went to him or his mother's house."
Me: "oh, I am really sorry."
Lia: "it's not a problem. But she can really be a b*tch if she wanna. I am sorry for my language."
I heard Arun's phone ranging.
Me: "I will get this."
Lia: "sure."
I walked to his phone. I took the call.
Me: "Karthika."
Arun: "hi Karthika."
Me: "hi, how are you?"
Arun: "so good."
That's when the doorbell rang.
Me: "Nice, how was your day?"
I walked to the door to see who it was.
Aruns: "it was the best day. I hoop that yours was also a good day."
I opened the door. When I saw..................................
Arun standing in the doorway. I was really i shock.

Lia: "Karthika, who is it?"
Arun: "what are you doing here, Lia?"
Lia: "I uhm, I uh. It's uh."
Me: "she didn't had a home for her kid. That's why she is here. And she helps me arrond the house."
Arun stepped into the house.
Arun: "I am here for three moths. I have vacation. And then I must go back."
It's sixth month that he was away for the army.
Me: "I will bring the bag to your room."
I picked his bag and went upstairs.
Arun * in the background*: "can you get me a whiskey bottle?"
Lia: "yes."
I went to his room. I didn't know what to say. It's our six moths together.
His mother called me.
Me: "hello?"
His mother: "hello, I made the divorce letter. I will bring it tomorrow. And you better going to sign it."
Before I got the chance to say something, she hang up.
Arun: "is there something?"
Me : "uhm, no. Everything is all right."
Arun: "oke. I will get a shower."
Me: "sure."

What will happen this 3 moths? Is there something? Why didn't he told Karthika that he was coming ? Was it really a surprise?
I am really sorry. That I published so late. I was so busy this days with a research for school.

Ps: thank you for reading my story.


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