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There we stoot. I was going to sign. But then I remembered what Lia told me. I should think about it twice. But I looked at his mother. She was so mad at him. And not only on him but also on me. And her look was so bad.
Me: "I am gonna sign it."
Arun: "what?!"
Me: "yes."
Arun: "don't you dare to sign it!"
Me: "what are talking? I am going to do it."
Arun: "give me some time. I will let you change your mind."
Me: "I think. No. It just you know. Damon is here. And he is expecting for a marriage with me. And I don't know what to do."
I was going to pick the Divore papers. When he picked it up and tore it off.
Arun: "just give me a those three months. After it you can decide to divorce or not. Please."
Me: "okay. Only this three months."
Arun: "thank you. If you go to the car I will be there with in a minute."
Me: "okay."
I went to the hall to pick my jacked when I heard.
Arun: "thank you so much. Mother. For breaking my marriage. You know I love her."
Mother-in-law: "look son, she isn't the one for you. And you will thank me for this, at that day."
Arun: "maybe in your dreams. But I am not coming back anymore. Good bye."
I stoot there frozen. Because I hated my parents more than anything. Because they didn't only separated me but also Arun.
Arun: "are you coming?"
Me: "yes."
He went outside so quick as possible. We both sat there awkwardly.
*5 minutes later*
Arun: "can you call Lia? So we can pick her up."
Me: "sure."
I picked my phone and saw that it was 11pm. And that Damon called me like for 300 times. And had 100 messages. I opened the what I saw was:
"Hey hon, it's me Damon."
"I can call you honey, right bby?"
"Where are you?"
"Sweetie, please pick mine call. Please?"
Like that but 96 messages more. It was awful to pretend to like him. I clicked it away. And called Lia.
Me: " Lia, we are almost by you. Can you come outside?"
Lia: "sure."

*after 20 minutes*
Lia stepped in.
Lia: "hi guys, so how was the date?"
We both didn't say a word.

*after 30 minutes*
We were at his house. He wasn't that happy.
He stepped out of the car and went inside.
Lia: "what happend ?you both looked like you had seen a host."
Me: * I told her everything what had happed*
Lia: "omg. That's really bad."
Me: "yes I Know."
We both went inside.
Me: " i am gonna take shower."
Lia: "sure."
* I went to my room. Picked my nightdress and went to the badroom*

*after 20 minutes*
I was done with showering. I went to my room. When Arun's phone rang. I picked it up. It was his brother.
Me: "Karthika."
Allan: " hi, it's Allan. Arun's brother. I heard that my brother is at home."
Me: "that's true. I will pass him the phone. Just a minute."
I went to his room. His room door was wide open. You wouldn't guess what I saw.
I saw Arun kissing Lia. He wanted so badly that we stayed together. That's when I felt hand on my waist. I turned around. It was Damon.
Damon: "hey, what did you so long to come home?" 
I stepped one step back. Because it was so close.
Me: "I went to vist a friend."
Damon: "okay."
He stepped one step closer to me.
Damon: "you look more beautiful than on a photo. I swear."
I had Allan on the phone, Damon flirting with me in the middle in the hall way and Arun is kissing Lia. What a lucky person am I.
Me: "I uhm."
That's when he pulled me to him. He kissed me! Oh my gash! I pulled him away.
Damon: "what happed? Is there something?"
Me: "actually yes. I couldn't just kiss me."
Damon: "I am sorry. Sorry that I am not sorry what I did."
Oh gash. That's so bad. Turned around. The door was closed. I knocked on the door. Arun opened the door. The room was dark.
Me: "can I come in?"
Arun: *very nervous* "no, I am going to sleep."
Me: "right. But your brother is on the phone."
Arun: "thank you."
I gave his phone. And went to my room. I was so confused.

What happed? Did she saw it right? Lia and Arun?
Thank you so much


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