Chapter 3

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Previously: Mao Mao and his deputies got into a fight with Orangusnake and the sky pirates and then Mao Mao was soon knocked unconscious by Orangusnake which left Badgerclops and Adorabat helpless then out of nowhere The man with the cross-shaped scar on his cheek save the trio.

Soon after the fight from last night Mao Mao woke up to see himself wearing a kimono with a red nagagi (top) and a white hakama (bottom). He had a little headache after waking up, he was wondering on what was the reason why was he here. And then he remembered last night where he and Orangusnake fought until he was knocked out during the fight. Then he is now wondering where Adorabat and Badgerclops are, so in desperation he grabbed Geraldine (aka his Golden Katana) and ran off to find them. He ran everywhere all over the place looking for them until he saw them eating at a eating hall (aka the mess hall)

Mao Mao: Adorabat! Badgerclops You're ok.

Badgerclops: Yeah. Dude you look super cool.

Mao Mao: Yeah thanks, what happened last night? Where is my normal clothes and where's Orangusnake?

Badgerclops: Well it's kind of a long story.

So Badgerclops told Mao Mao everything on what has happened last night like, The guy with the crossed-shaped scar saved them from the sky pirates and that the guy is actually nice and the fact that he is no longer an assassin.

Mao Mao: Interesting.

Adorabat: Yeah. He looks kinda cool with that scar of his.

Badgerclops: Yeah he kinda looks cool. But the thing that bothers me about this guys is how did he get that scar?

Mao Mao: Yeah. But at least we can show our gratitude to these people who saved us from the sky pirates even though Orangusnake is super pathetic.

After their conversation, Isaac walked in.

Isaac: Hello There.

Adorabat: Hey Isaac.

Badgerclops: Hey Isaac. How are you doing this morning?

Isaac: Doing well..... Oh and I finally get to meet the black samurai cat.

Mao Mao: My names Mao Mao, pleased to meet you.

Isaac: Isaac Uchiha, pleasure meeting you too Mao Mao.

Mao Mao: Thanks. And who are those guys with you?

Isaac: Well the one with the glasses and straw hat is Isaiah.

Isaiah: Hi.

Isaac: Sandrinne, Akira, Ichika, Daisuke, Erine and that one over there whose technically a wolf, Wolfram she's my girlfriend.

The Trio: Aww.

Isaac: Yeah I get that a lot when I introduce her, and those anthropomorphic animals over there are Oscar, Hedgehog, Max, Oliver, Lucy, Pepper, Alexa and Lem.

Mao Mao: Cool, nice to meet you all.

Hedgehog: Nice to meet you too Mr Mao Mao.

Mao Mao: Please call me Mao Mao.

Hedgehog: Ok.

Max: Hey there big guy, I'm Max.

Badgerclops: Badgerclops. [shakes Max hand]

Adorabat: I'm Adorabat.

Oscar: Hi there Adorabat, I'm Oscar. Cute name though.

Adorabat: Thanks.

Wolfram: Geez, do you think Susie would allow a few more people on this Island?

Isaac: I guess so.

After introducing to each other, Susie decided to and an extra home for Mao Mao and his deputies which is situated right between the Shounen Legends group's quarters and Oscar and Hedgehog's cabin. A few days of construction later and Mao Mao, Badgerclops and Adorabat's home was ready.

Meanwhile, Orangusnake woke up to see a mysterious man with a red glowing eye. Orangusnake was terrified same with his crew to see who this man is. They tried to run but they were cornered by a bunch of spears.

Mysterious person: At ease.

Orangusnake: What do you want with us? We don't have money, but I....

Mysterious person: Ease your concious you weird creatures.

Orangusnake: Who are you? Are you the guy with the scar on his cheek.

Mysterious Person: Well I guess your concious may be calmed if I introduce myself.

Kiyoshi Makoto: My name is Kiyoshi Makoto, Third general of the Black Dragon Order. And you are?

Orangusnake: Orangusnake. And that's Ratarang, Boss Hosstritch and that's Ramaraffe were sky pirates. Wait, Wait what do you need us for?

Kiyoshi: Well just for one thing. I want you to find someone for me.

Orangusnake: And who is this someone?

Kiyoshi: You might've come across him before, but if you haven't here's his name: Isaac Uchiha a man with a cross-shaped scar on his cheek also once known as Battousai the manslayer.

Orangusnake: Oh him, and what kind of award are you giving us?

Kiyoshi: You will be rewarded with 150,000,000 baki or dollars whatever you call it.

Orangusnake: Ooh that sounds like a very splendid deal there. You got yourself a deal.

As Orangusnake shook Kiyoshi's hand,

Kiyoshi: May our alliance be remembered. If you request anything we will give it. Now since we got our arrangement done let's go.

Orangusnake: Actually I have a few request.....

Kiyoshi: What is it?

Orangusnake told Kiyoshi and his squad their demands, They need to find a black cat named Mao Mao and they also need to find his associates both Badgerclops and Adorabat. Their Second demand is that they need an army and a good arsenal of weapons. Lastly all what they need is to get their airship brought to the island to be repaired and to find the power source that is unlimited so he doesn't have to steal Mao Mao's Aer0-Cycle.

Kiyoshi: Very well my friend, we shall work together to get what we demanded.

Orangusnake: Good. With our Alliance we shall crush Mao Mao and The Shounen Legends Group

Sky Pirates: [evil laugh]

Kiyoshi: [-_-] ok just don't do the evil laugh. Only my boss is allowed to do that.

Orangusnake: Oh. Well will you show us where we're staying?

Kiyoshi: Follow us.

So the Sky Pirates decided to follow them to their base to soon figure out a plan to crush the heroes of Pure Heart Valley and The Shounen Legends Group same with the campers of Summer Camp Island who happens to be their students.


Mao Mao: Heroes of Summer Camp Island A Sci and MMHOPH storyWhere stories live. Discover now