Chapter 4

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Previously: Mao Mao finally woke up after being unconscious from last night. He got up and looked everywhere to find his deputies, fortunately when he found them, they are safe and he finally got to meet the guy with the crossed scar who saved them from the sky pirates. Meanwhile Orangusnake made an alliance with the mysterious man Kiyoshi Makoto, saying that if they team up they both get what they want. For the sky pirates they wanted power most importantly vengeance against Mao Mao. For Kiyoshi he wanted to take Summer Camp Island and kill Battousai the Manslayer, Uchiha Isaac. 

After eating breakfast, Mao Mao went back to the Shounen Legend's quarters to clean Geraldine (aka his Sword). As he was cleaning he was thinking about what Orangusnake told him. He soon brushed it off his head boasting to himself that he is way better than Orangusnake and that he is very pathetic and an unworthy opponent. Later after cleaning Geraldine he went out and look for Isaac so he can see if he is a worthy opponent and not as pathetic as Orangusnake. After looking for so long he ran into one of Isaac's pupils, Hedgehog.

Hedgehog: Huh? Oh. Hey Mao Mao.

Mao Mao: Hi Hedgehog, how are you this morning.

Hedgehog: Good, I'm just about to practice a new technique of mine.

Mao Mao: Technique you say?

Then Mao Mao asked her,

Mao Mao: Say are you a Swordsman?

Hedgehog: Swordswoman to be correct.

Mao Mao: Oh, then how many swords do you carry? One? Two?

Hedgehog: Uh, It's actually Three.

Then Mao Mao was shocked to hear that a child can use three swords, he finally sees that she is a worthy opponent. So Mao Mao said,

Mao Mao: Oh gosh you carry three?

Hedgehog: Yep.

Mao Mao: Ok then, how 'bout you and I duel? So we can see whose stronger.

Hedgehog: I don't know, My master said not to get into unnecessary fights and only fight at the right time. 

Mao Mao: Oh come on, you will do good trust me. Besides at least you could try out your new technique on me.

Then with that Hedgehog accepted his request, Meanwhile Isaac was coming back from heartforde with a bag of groceries that Wolfram and the rest requested it was heavy but not a challenge for Isaac. He was approaching the cabins until he was blocked by a big crowd, he was confused on what is going on so he moved a little bit closer and saw what was going on, he was shocked to see that Hedgehog is challenging Mao Mao to a duel, as her master the responsible act is to stop Mao Mao and Hedgehog's duel but instead he decided to watch cause he remember her words that she can do this, so he just stood there with determination that Hedgehog is going to win.

Isaac: Hedgehog! You can do this!

Oscar: You got this Hedge!

Hedgehog: Thanks guys.

As she ties her long hair and tighten her konoha headband on her arm.

Adorabat: You got this Mao Mao!

Badgerclops: You can't lose to her.

Mao Mao: Ok. Thanks deputies.

then there was a brief silence, until they finally made a move they both charged at each other with determination and then finally their blades connected. They were both intimidating seeing if who is going to stumble her or him. Soon they broke their parry, then Mao Mao decided to use his strong technique the Lunar Slash.

Mao Mao: She's good, but not good enough. 

Then he prepares his technique, he pointed his blade at the sun, with the power of his golden weapon it absorbed the light then puts his entire force into the swing. And then finally he swung the blade at full force. Shouting.....

Mao Mao: Lunar!!!!! Slash!!!!!!

Hedgehog saw they blinding attack and immediately dodged the attack. So now it's her turn since she got so many tricks up her sleeve that she can use against him, so now was her chance. She threw three smoke bombs at Mao Mao to blind him. His sight was blurred he couldn't see what was going on cause the smoke is blinding his vision until it was clear, he was surprised to see three Hedgehogs. He was confused and excited cause he never fought somebody like this. 

Mao Mao ran towards the three Hedgehogs to see which is the real one, he hit all three of them but they were all clones. He was wondering where is she, then he begun to notice blue light behind him.

Hedgehog: Chidori!!!!!

Mao Mao: What the! Lightning?!

With the speed of lightning Hedgehog ran towards Mao Mao and struck him. It electrocuted him and he fell to his knees. Mao Mao was still desperate to win so he got up one more time to prepare his Lunar Slash. Hedgehog knew he would do this cause since that the only technique he knew so Hedgehog began to prepare for her attack to the 1080 pound phoenix.

Hedgehog: San to Ryu (Three Swords Style)!!!!!

Mao Mao: With the power of the everlasting light!!!!! 

Mao Mao: Lunar!!!! Slash!!!!                                                                                        Hedgehog: 1080 Pound Phoenix!!!!!

Both of their techniques projected out of their swords and then unexpectedly collided causing both of then to be pushed back towards the trees cause of the surrounding force. Hedgehog was exhausted especially Mao Mao, They both charged at each other but Mao Mao tripped and fell cause he was the most exhausted due to him using his entire energy, while for Hedgehog she was left standing, then in exhaustion she sat down in front of a tree and tried to catch her own breath.

A few hours after the fight Mao Mao woke up to see Badgerclops and Adorabat who are very happy that he is ok. And surprisingly Hedgehog was there who was kinda happy to see him too cause she really enjoyed the duel.

Hedgehog: Hi Mao, hey you did great during the duel and sorry for electrifying you with my Chidori.

Mao Mao: It's ok you're a good person Hedgehog and what I heard from Isaac a good girlfriend to Oscar.

Hedgehog: Aww. Thanks.

Badgerclops: Yeah Isaac did say that you and Oscar are the cutest couple in this camp.

Hedgehog: Yeah. I get that a lot.

Oscar: You guys talking about me.

Hedgehog: Yeah.

Oscar: K.

Mao Mao: You know on what I heard from both Isaiah and Isaac that when you two are fighting alongside together you two would become unstoppable.

Oscar: Yeah.

Hedgehog: Cause we were taught by two of the strongest members in the Shounen Legend Group.

Badgerclops: Cool.

Mao Mao: [yawns] Well I better hit the hay.

Adorabat: Yeah we better sleep now.

Hedgehog: Ok so goodnight you three.

Badgerclops: Night you two.


Mao Mao: Heroes of Summer Camp Island A Sci and MMHOPH storyWhere stories live. Discover now