Alternate Ending to Back to the Moon

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When Leggy and the rubies saw each other, they all gasped.
Doc: What are you doing here? With them?
Leggy: You guys forgot me! You made me cry! But these gems let me stay with them and they made me happy. So I joined there team!
Eyeball: Traitor!
Doc: Hold on ruby, we did forget her, so let's give her a chance. Ruby, I'll give you a chance to come back on our team, will you join us?
Leggy: I won't join you guys! You forgot me! And I've been happy since I joined these gems.
Doc: Fine, rubies, ATTACK!
The 4 rubies fused and attacked. But Lapis just held them in a giant water hand. Then Garnet and Pearl fused and smashed the 4 ruby fusion with her hammer and the rubies unfused. Then Amethyst poofed the 4 rubies and Steven bubbled them.
Leggy: Well, that was a little unsettling to watch. But thanks for defending me.
Steven: No problem!



Alternate Endings to CartoonsWhere stories live. Discover now