Meet Ben

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Ben POV Hey everyone I am Ben ripply and I am now a CIA agent which is so cool. I am also 17 and am dating the love of my life Erica hale I hope we will never need we have been dating since 13 and 16 she was 16 I was 13 life is pretty good. I have alot of friend they are Jaw,Zoe,mike,Jessica,and my gf Erica hale. Her parents and her are so bad ass. But also nice they are Alexzander who is a way better spy now, Catherine who is a MI6 member who has the most beautiful British accent. Cyrus who is well cyrus,Erica her self who is so darn not and sexy like an Angel. Put it this way on mission we are the dream team we have each other's backs and we are kind to each other and we also kiss from 5 to 20 minutes which feels so good. And her lips always fast like cherry but sweeter. She is sweeter also she is not so fucking icy any more which makes her even better. I just love her for being her she is just amazing. Put, it this way I hope that this feeling can last for ever. Cause she is the love of my rain life with out her I would be lost so I hope I never lose her.

A/n Sorry to be so cheesy I just thought that would be the perfect way to start of. I wish it would let me put this as Romans and action but it probably won't. This chapter was 277 words including this part.

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