IS Ben Coming to Newzelend

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A/n thank you to toss people that are one of the 64 people reading this. And those people that will be reading this.

Jaw POV I was Erica coming out of the CIA building but I saw no ben.I am going to ask her want she gets to the drive way.

10 seconds later (A/n I put 10 second later cause Erica could probably run pretty fast.)
Still Jaws POV
Hey,Erica were's ben. " Jaw he is not fucking coming he said he was threatened and does not want to danger anyone he love she said" in an harsh and icy tone like her old self before Ben broke her ice and the only reason she was icy was cause Joshua broke her heart. Oh, ok.

Zoe POV Wow Erica's mad mabe I will text her in a group chat just for girls what the boys have so do us girls. And that's when we don't want to talk to them.
Girls group chat which has only Erica,Zoe,and Jessica.

Why is Ben not here.Jessica
For are protection that's what he said which I say bull deal to his B.S.  Erica
Ok, and mabe he's not losing mabe he is doing it for are protection .Zoe
Oohhhh Zoe protecting ben. Jessica
She probably likes him still after 4years when he started dating me.Erica
Mabe a little but I love mike. Zoe
Lol,we just got Zoe to amet she likes Mike LOL. Erica
"Blushes" Zoe
Zoe left chat
Zoe POV Damn I got trick by my friends and I amitted to them that I love mike o duck I am screwed.  Hey , guys wanna play truth or dare. Sure.

A/n Next chapter will be Truth or dare but I have to at least have 90 views. Please guys. Not saying so you people who read my book are guys. This chapter is    341 words thanks so much for reading but remember there will not be any new chapter till 90 views thanks so much for reading this chapter.

Spy school The truth and the heart brake.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora