Chapter 1

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*Charlie P.O.V.*

   The rest of the summer was pretty boring without Belle with us, and before I new it we were all starting school at Eden Hall Academy. "It's not going to be the same without her," I said to Adam as we walked into the Academy for the first time. "Yeah. I know. But look on the bright side we are going to one of the best schools in the state on a scholarship," Adam said trying to cheer me up. We got our schedules and we're directed towards our dorm rooms. I began to unpack my things in the room I share with Dwayne. "Hey man, this year is going to be awesome," he said. "Yeah, I guess," I said. "Go call her man. I'll cover for you here," he said. "Is she not in school right now," I asked. "Nah man. She doesn't start school until next week," he said. I gave him a smile before turning to go use the school phone to call Belle.

   It rang twice then someone picked up. "Hello," her Aunt Mae said. "Hey Aunt Mae. It's Charlie. Is Anna there," I asked. "Yeah give me a sec, hon," she said. I waited a few minutes then a very familiar voice. "Hello," she said. "Belle it's so great to hear your voice," I said. "Charlie is something wrong. You sound worried," she said. "It just doesn't feel right starting at this new school without you. How is your uncle doing," I asked. "He's slowly getting better, but I don't think I'll be home anytime soon," she said with a sigh. "Will you let me know when you are coming back home," I asked leaning against the wall. "Now what if I want to surprise you," she said with a laugh. "Don't get me wrong. I would love that, but this long distance thing is killing me," I told her. "Yeah I hate it to, but I promised my Aunt Mae I would stay and help until my Uncle was back on his feet," she said.

   We talked a while longer and pretty soon it was late. "Hey I gotta go, but I'll call you tomorrow," I said. "Talk to you tomorrow. Charlie," she said. "Yeah," I said. "I love you," she said. "I love you too," I said before I hung up the phone and headed back to my dorm room. "Hey where you been," Averman asked. "I had to make a phonecall," I said. "To who," he asked. "Belle," I answered simply. "Don't worry she'll be back soon," he said. "Yeah I know," I said with a sigh. I got ready for bed when Averman left and crawled into bed and went to sleep.

A few days later

   I was starting to feel a little better about our long distance relationship, but I still wished she was here. "Charlie. You okay," Connie asked. "Yeah just got lost in my thoughts," I lied. "Hey. I know you miss her. We all do," she said. "I just wish she was here," I said. "I know, but she'll be back soon. She won't be gone forever," Julie said. "Everybody keeps saying that! I know she'll be back soon, but it doesn't change the fact that she isn't here now and that I am missing the love of my life," I exploded and stormed off. I made my way to the student use phones and called Belle. "Hello," she answered. "Hey Belle," I said. "Hey Charlie. What's up? You usually don't call me until later," she asked. "I just needed to hear your voice. I've had a rough week so far," I said. We talked until I saw Adam approaching. "Hey Charlie can we talk," he said. "Can it wait until later," I asked. "Who's that," Belle asked. "It's Adam," he said. Taking the phone from me. "Hey what the heck man," I said. "Charlie will have to call you back later. Yeah I miss you too sis," he said then hung up. "We need to talk," Adam said leading me to the locker room where the others were waiting.

    "Charlie what is going on with you," Dwayne said. "Yeah the only time you seem to be yourself is when you are on the phone with Anna," Averman said. "What are you getting at," I asked. "We are your friends and we want to help, but we can't help if you don't talk to us," Dwayne said. "I'm sorry guys. It's just been rough without her. I didn't mean to take it out on you guys," I apologized. "We miss her too. She is usually the one who cheers everyone up in the hard times. And starting a new school where we don't know anyone but eachother is hard," Connie said.

Months later

   I haven't talked to Belle in weeks because I didn't know how to tell her that we had a new coach that is making me earn my captain position and that I was thinking about quitting. I was still hanging out with the others but I wouldn't talk about hockey or Belle.

*Connie P.O.V.*

    "Julie will you come with me to get a snack," I asked knowing that she new that we were going to make a call. "Hello," she answered. "Hey Anna it's us. Have you heard back from the school yet," I asked. "Yeah I'm in. I'm flying back up tomorrow," she said. "Thank God. Charlie is miserable without you," Julie said. "Oh and there's one more thing," she said. "What's that," I asked. "I'm going to look a little different. He probably won't actually think it's me," she said. "Different how," we asked. "Well I'm actually a natural brunette, not blonde and my hair is shorter now," I said. "You're not a blonde," Julie said. "Does Charlie know," I asked. "No the only ones who know the truth are my family and Dwayne. My mom made me dye my hair blonde so that me and Adam looked more like siblings," she explained. "Oh. That sounds rough," I said. "I'll start Monday, it'll give me time to rest from my flight," she said. "Alright. Go pack," I said then hung up because I saw Charlie coming.

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