Chapter 2

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*Charlie P.O.V*

    I was going to check on Connie and Julie because it was taking them a while. I was lost in my thoughts then I saw them at the phone. They said bye to whoever was on the other end then hung up. "I thought you guys were getting snacks," I asked when I reached them. "We were until we needed to make a call," Julie said. "Oh. Who did you call," I asked. "Oh. Just an old friend of mine from Maine," Julie said. I turned to go back to my room and they did the same.

Monday at lunch

  I was sitting at lunch with the team and the girls were acting weird. "What do you have planned," I asked pointing at them with my fork. "Us nothing," they said together. "You are acting really weird," I said going back to my food. "You'll never guess who I saw in the lunch line," Russ said sitting next to Fulton. "Who? Do we know them," Fulton asked. "I saw Anna. Charlie's girlfriend. At least I think it was her. She does look a little different," Russ said. "Hey guys," a voice said from behind me. I turned to see a girl with shoulder length dark brown hair that looked a lot like Belle. "So this is what you were being so weird about. You found an Annabelle lookalike to try and cheer me up. Well guess what, it's not going to work, because she would have told me when she was coming back," I said standing and starting to walk away.

    "Charles Michael Conway! I am not a lookalike. It's actually me. I can prove it. Ask me something only I would know," the girl said causing the whole lunch room to go quiet. "Ok. What is our song," I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "Every Rose has its Thorn by Poison," she answered without hesitation. "Lucky guess. When did we have our first kiss," I asked. "Well that's a tough one," she said. "Ha. I knew it wasn't you," I said as I was about to walk away. "Because there was the first attempt in the park the night before we left for the Jr. Goodwill games. Then we were close again on our anniversary at the ice cream shop in California. And then it finally happened after we won the championship game against Iceland, that you and I helped coach," she answered. "What's my favorite song? Only the real Annabelle will know the answer," I asked. "Freedom! By George Michael. I stood there in shock, then she sat her tray down and began walking towards me. "I didn't tell you that I was coming home because I wanted to surprise you. And my hair is different because brunette is my natural color, it's just been blonde because my mom made me dye it all these years," she said as she reached me. "It really is you," I said feeling myself tear up. "Yeah It's me," she said hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. "Charlie. Can't. Breathe," she said. I let her go and she kissed my cheek. "Don't leave me again," I said. "I promise," she said.

    Then the entire cafeteria awwed and we went back to our seats with the rest of the team. "Great to have you back Anna," Averman said. "It's great to be back. I missed you guys so much," she said. "So when did you get back," Goldberg asked. "Sunday afternoon. I've stayed with my parents until this afternoon," she said. "So why did your mom make you dye your hair," Luis asked. "She wanted me and Adam to look more like siblings and when I took after my aunt with brunette hair she decided that she was going to dye my hair so that I looked more like my brother,"she explained. "Well I think you look great with your hair natural and I love it short," Connie said. "Thanks. At first I wasn't sure that I liked it short, but now I love it. I use so much less shampoo and conditioner and it's so airy," she said.

   After lunch we all began to head to practice, when Belle held me back from the group. "Belle we gotta get to practice," I said trying to get her to walk with me. "I already had a talk with the new coach that you didn't tell me about, and he said that it would be fine if we were a little late," she said. "I wanted to tell you, I really did, but you had a lot going on with your uncle and I didn't want to worry you," I said. "You could have still told me. We promised to be honest with eachother. Now let's talk about what's going on with you," she said sitting on a bench. "I don't know what you're talking about," I tried to play off. "Charlie sit. And let's talk," she said patting the spot next to her. "Where do I even begin," I said.

    "Start at the beginning," she said. "Well it all started when we started school without you," I began. I continued to tell her about everything that has happened. When I was done telling her everything, she rested her hand on top of mine. "I felt that I had to figure things out on my own and that's why I didn't tell you," I said. "Charlie I am your girlfriend. We promised to be honest with eachother, and we also promised eachother that we wouldn't have to face problems alone," she said. "I know, but you were in Texas and I was also worried that you weren't going to come back anytime soon," he said. "Nothing can stop true love. Now what do you say we get to practice and show the coach our team work," she said. "He told me that you would have to earn your Captain position too," I said standing with her. "I know. We earned them before and we can do it again. We are the power couple of the team and we work well together and that is why, and how, we earned our positions," she said taking my hand and leading me to practice.

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