Chapter 4

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*Anna P.O.V.*

    I walked into the room that I was lucky enough to share with Julie and Connie. "So? How'd it go," Connie asked as I changed into my PJ's. "It was such a romantic time," I said brushing out my hair. "I missed my dates with Charlie. You know when he stopped calling everyday, I was afraid that he had found someone new," I said. "Anna honey. He loves you how did that cross your mind," Connie said resting a hand on my shoulder. "Well when you're long distance, it's not hard," I said turning to them. "And he's gotten so tall too. Before I left we were about the same height," I said. "Yeah he hit a growth spurt a couple weeks after you left," Connie said. "Come on let's get to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow," Julie said.

A few days later

   Charlie and I were walking around the school together holding hands when some guys walked up to us. "So Conway who's this? Your fake girlfriend you told us about," the biggest one said. Charlie moved me behind him then spoke. "I never made up having a girlfriend. And like I said before she is your teammate's sister," Charlie said. "I don't see what's so great about her," another one said. "You better watch your mouth," Charlie said. "What are you going to do about it," the big one said. I tapped Charlie's shoulder and he turned to me. "Let me handle this brute," I whispered in his ear. He stepped to the side and I stepped forward. "Let me tell you something bucko," I said. "Ohh! I'm so scared," he said. "You should be. Now listen here. I know what I'm about to say may not get through to you, so I'll dumb it down," I said. "Excuse me," he said. "I am his girlfriend. And I am proud to be his girlfriend. Now if you don't mind to leave us be we will be on our way to spend some much needed time together. And if you don't I will break you," I said. "Ohhh! Such big talk from such a tiny person," he said. He went to pat my head and I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back. "Ahh. I give! I give! Please, j-just don't break my arm," he said. I released him and turned to his friends. "You want a piece of me," I said moving toward them. They backed up and I grabbed Charlie's hand and we walked right by them.

  "Not gonna lie, that was pretty hot," Charlie said kissing the top of my head. "Now. Do you want to tell me what all that was about in the first place," I asked. "That was the Varsity team," Charlie said. "Oh so, Adam's team," I finished. "Yeah. There's something else you should know," he said rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. "What's that," I asked. "During my bad mood I might have challenged the Varsity team," he said. "You're kidding," I questioned. "No I'm not kidding," he said. "Bad mood Charlie has got some guts," I said smiling at him. As we were walking I could tell something was up with him.

    "Charlie what's wrong," I asked. "Belle there's something I have to tell you," he said looking down at me. "I uhh. I quit the team when you went to visit your parents," he said. "What why," I asked. "The coach is a stuck up snob that refused anything to do with the ducks," he said. "So what you're telling me is you quit the team because you didn't get your way. Unbelievable," I said with a huff. "Belle the guy has no respect for what the ducks mean to me or the others," he said. "Charlie. Do you even know what the man has been through," I asked. "I," he started. "You know what, I have to go," I said. "Where are you going," he asked. "To find my boyfriend, because apparently you aren't him," I said. "Yes I am," he argued. "Wrong Charlie. The Charlie I fell for was sweet, considerate, and always learned the whole story before judging anyone. And this is not him," I said then walked away. He continued to call after me but I continued to walk out to go see his mom, because at least she is still the same.

   I walked from the bus stop to the diner where she works and when I walked in I found her in tears."Casey," I said concerned. "Annabelle. Hi sweetie," she said wiping the tears away. "What's wrong," I asked sitting next to her. "It's Hans," she said before the door shut. "Mom. Annabelle," Charlie said. "I've been trying to reach you Charlie. Kids, Hans passed away last night," she said. "What," I said shocked. "It was his time to go," she said. First she hugged Charlie then she hugged me. I guess Charlie didn't know how to react so he walked out. "How come you two didn't come together," she asked me. "We kinda got in an argument today," I said. "Please tell me that you two didn't break up. You are so important to him although he doesn't show it much right now," she said. "Honestly, I'm not sure where we stand," I said with a sigh looking after him.

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