Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Exit Pursued by Death

The video had been enough to convince Mycroft that Savannah really was just a tool in someone else's game. Whose and why, he didn't know. But it was enough for now. Enough to let a part of himself grieve over the end of their marriage, their future... It was enough to let himself go and see her.

He declined the use of an interrogation room and followed the guard.

"They're in mess hall now, I'll grab her." The woman muttered. He nodded and followed her, the ferrule of his umbrella clicking against the floor. Noise began to rise from the mess hall, shouting and cheering. The woman broke into a run. Mycroft followed at a relaxed pace, momentarily unconcerned. But as he reached the hall, he found guards trying to separate a crowd of prisoners. They surrounded two women. One had the other pinned to the ground and was grinning down at her, raising her fist slowly. The other...

He slid through the crowd and snapped his umbrella up so the silver point of the ferrule clicked against the woman's chin. The cheering stopped.

He stared down coldly, feeling her eyes widen as she met his. "There is a certain poison placed inside the tip of this." He spoke loudly enough for all to hear. "The effectiveness of the antidote is questionable. If you value your life, I suggest you take ten steps back."

The woman sneered at him, her fist tightening. "Got yourself a protector now, Savage?" She ground out. Mycroft pushed the umbrella further, placing the tip against her throat.

"Ten steps." He growled. She was wrenched away and cuffed. Mycroft lowered his umbrella slowly and then held a hand down. Savannah took hold and pulled herself up with a grunted 'thank you.'

She shifted and stared at him from under her lashes as she lowered her head meekly. He sighed through his nose and turned on his heel. Nodding to a guard, he motioned for the woman to lead him to Savannah's cell. The woman cuffed Savannah and then pushed her onwards.

The heavy metal door closed them inside her cell. Savannah sat on the small bed with a shaky sigh. He studied her in silence for some time.

She was pale, possibly from the prospect of almost being beaten and now being alone with him. Sweat beaded on her brow and her breathing was shaky. She fidgeted with her hands and kept her eyes averted.

He tilted his head. "Did you at least get to eat?"

She shook her head. "I'm not feeling well; I wasn't hungry."

He shifted his weight slightly, trying to banish a desire to go to her. He could see her heart beating madly in her neck, whether from fear or illness, he wasn't sure.

"Do you hate me?" She asked suddenly. He blinked slowly. "You must hate me." She shook her head. "I wouldn't blame you if you did. I just want to know."

"No." Her eyes widened and she looked up at him finally. It was his turn to look away, though he tried to appear indifferent. "To hate you, I would still have to care about you to some degree. I resent you, as that allows for indifference and a lack of attachment." The very words stabbed at his heart as much as they seemed to stab her own. He briefly closed his eyes as she looked away. She gripped the edge of the bed in white-knuckled hands.

"Is that all?" He tried to appear bored. "You wanted to see me and yet you have nothing to say?" She didn't reply. He sighed and turned towards the door. "I will see you in court, I suppose."

"I love you." She burst out.

His hand tightened on the handle of his umbrella. He closed his eyes and forced deep breaths. Why did she say it? Why did she have to chip at his resolve like this?

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