Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - One and the Same

Cameron opened the door to her flat and blinked in shock as Owen stumbled in. Her sister collapsed on the couch, shaking from the cold rain and from whatever had tears running down her cheeks as well. Cameron ran to her.

"Gid, get some towels!"

She took Owen's cold, shaking hands in hers. "Owen?"

"Helena." Owen choked out. She leaned forward to bury her face in Cameron's chest. "It's Helena. Or Hel."

"Helena... What's wrong?"

"I killed her baby. Oh god, I killed their baby."

"Who's baby?" She took the towel from Gideon and dried Helena's face. The older woman waved it away. She was soaked, there was no point. "Who's baby, Hel?"

"Mycroft Holmes and Savannah Brooks were having a baby. I didn't mean to kill her, I swear! She should have only been sick! She would have stayed overnight at the hospital and that's all! I never meant... Oh god."

Cameron let go of her and stepped back. She grabbed Gideon and took him upstairs.

"Mum, what's going on?" He whined.

She grabbed one of his backpacks. "Get some clothes, sweetie. I need you to stay with Miss Terri tonight."

"But why?" He looked up at her as she helped him into his coat.

"Because Miss Owen is in trouble."

"Is she really your sister?"

"Mhm. C'mon." She brought him downstairs and glanced at her sister. She was bent at the waist with her head in her hands and her elbows on her knees. "C'mon." Cameron murmured. She brought Gideon next door and knocked. "Hey, Terri! I'm really sorry but my sister is in a lot of trouble and I need to be with her. Can you take care of Gid for the night?"

"Oh course! I hope everything's okay?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine! Thank you!" Cameron ran back to her door and locked it once she was inside. "Okay, start from the beginning. What's..." She trailed off as she looked around. "Owen...I mean, Hel? Helena!"

Something slammed shut. Cameron ran to the back to find the window was unlocked. She caught the shadow of Helena walking away. A knock at the door made her jump. She ran to answer and found Mycroft standing there.

"Your sister has been here." He murmured, looking around.

"My sister?"

"Has she not told you?" His blue eyes were suddenly focused on her.

She nodded and let him in. He closed his umbrella and left it by the door. Shrugging out of his coat, he watched her as she tried not to fidget. Her eyes darted to the window.

"She just left?" He inquired quietly. She nodded. "Hm...Doesn't matter. We'll be seeing her tomorrow."


Mycroft sat down with a sigh and proceeded to tell her everything. She listened in horror, hating to have the truth thrown at her finally. She had tried so hard to separate these events from her sister but there was no escaping it now. Mycroft watched her carefully as he spoke. He told her about the ultimatum Owen as forcing upon him now.

"Helena." She said suddenly.


"Her name is Helena Carter."

"I see... And based on your attachment to her, should I assume you will refuse to help me?"

Cameron shifted and looked away. She shook her head. "I'll help on one condition." He blinked slowly, waiting. "You don't hurt her."

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