Chapter 8

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Act Two: Shattered

Chapter 8 - 2014; And the World Keeps Turning

Cameron stretched and groaned quietly at her desk. She stood and grabbed a coke from the fridge in the corner. Going outside, she stood by the corner of the building, leaned against the wall and popped the can open. She sipped from it slowly and fished in her pocket. Her latest project had a deadline of two days and she was incredibly behind. It was starting to grate on her nerves, stretching her stress levels to a degree that had her fidgeting more than usual. She pulled out her lighter and flicked the wheel.

A flame sputtered to life in her hands, bending and weaving in the wind. She cut it out and then flicked it on again. Each time it repeated its dance with different steps, always eager to perform no matter how often she cut it short. She imagined the crackle of a larger flame, the hiss and pop and roar. The heat, the glare, the destruction...

It sent a shiver of memory down her back and made her think back to the stench of smoldering wood and burned hair. The stench that took everything away... And gave her the world.

"You know people use lighters to light stuff and smoke breaks to smoke." Jason muttered around his cigarette as he came to stand beside her. She lifted her lighter and he leaned forward. The flame caught and smoldered over the edge of the cigarette. Jason took a long drag and then breathed out slowly, his eyes closing and shoulders relaxing. The smoke slithered around his head and twirled into the grey air. Cameron watched him exhale again before returning her stare to the fire's flickering dance.

Her phone beeped. This is Anthea. I'm sick and can't be at work. Take him for coffee, please? He'll be worked up and exhausted by now. She blinked at the text for a moment and then stuffed her phone into her pocket. She flicked the safety lid back over her lighter, shoved it away and went inside. It took her twenty minutes to reach Mycroft's office.

Leaning in the doorway, she smiled a little sadly. His hair was mussed and his tie slightly loosened. Pushing off the doorjamb, she went to find his coffee machine. "Anthea asked me to force you into a break," she called, "but you look like anymore people would be the last straw." She smiled as he muttered 'thank god' under his breath.

He didn't say another word until she placed his coffee on the desk. Sitting on the other side, Cameron slid it across and touched his arm.

"You okay?" She was hesitant to bother him but he looked like he needed to talk.

He sighed and sipped the scalding drink. "Yetsen is being difficult."

"As usual." She nodded. "I'll send the profile on him. I've found ways to get him to cooperate. Possible incentives." He nodded and sat back.

"How is Gideon?"

She smiled, thinking of her son's whining as she forced him to go back to school. "Better! It was just a sinus infection. But he was happy for the books you sent him. Thank you for that." Mycroft's smile was fleeting but enough to tell her he was pleased. "I can't believe you got him to like reading. I never thought it would happen."

"Yes well, I wouldn't count on him being very bookish in the future."

"Oh no way. He's into football so I'll have to help him practice for tryouts next year. Will you come to his games?"

Mycroft's nose wrinkled. She had expected that response and laughed. They talked for a little while longer, about work mostly, and then she stood to leave.

The coffee lasted her for the rest of the day. She was packing up as Bobby and Naomi came to her desk. Bobby leaned on the desk. "We're going to see that movie Visitors tomorrow night; you wanna come?"

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