Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Closing Curtain

"There he is! The fastest man in all of London! He's faster than a bullet, than the speed of light!"

Gideon giggled as Cameron lifted him into the air. "It was one goal, mum."

"It was the winning goal." She set him down and pulled him into her side. "I'm proud of you. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah!" He wiped mud and sweat off his face and grinned at her.

It had been his first football game with the boys at school and he was finally starting to gain a few more friends. Cameron smiled as he was pulled away to celebrate. He ran back to her.

"Archie's mum is taking us to pizza and then she said I can sleepover. Can I? Please? There's no school tomorrow!"

She laughed and waved him on. "Go ahead. I'll drop your clothes off."

"Yes!" He ran to his friend and Cameron slid into her car. She drove home and ran inside to pack him a bag. By the time she got back home, it was nearly dark. She hesitated as she opened the door. Music played in the living room.

She looked around carefully as she went to the radio. A CD spun quickly as Nat King Cole came through the speakers.

I would swim the ocean wide. I would cross that great divide.

I'd gladly give a fortune just to see you smile and hear you say I love you once in a while.

In my heart there's ecstasy.

I would do anything for you.

Her smile widened slowly and she laughed. A note was tucked just under the stereo.

"Be good, kiddo."

"Helena?" She called. She went to the kitchen and found the window open. Leaning out, she searched for a retreating figure but found no one. Closing and locking the window, she startled as the doorbell rang. Running to answer, she smiled up at Mycroft but it faltered as he didn't return it. "Long time no see, Mr. Holmes." He nodded and she stepped aside to let him in. "You've been avoiding me." She frowned quizzically at him.

He sighed and shifted slightly on his feet, hiding something behind his back. "I... I meant to come check on you. And um ask you something but I'm afraid I bear bad news."

She tilted her head.

"Helena was on a plane to a holding cell I have in Switzerland. Her plane went down just yesterday." He looked up at her. "No one was recovered. I'm sorry, Cameron."

She shook her head and shrugged. She was too happy to pretend sorrow. "Dangerous criminal threatening the stability of the government... Sister or not, it's probably a good thing she's gone."

He frowned. "You're not angry."

She smiled broadly. "You did what you could to keep her safe. That's more than I expected of you. So no. What did you come to ask?" She tried to see behind him.

He held a bottle of wine up and gave her a self conscious smile. After weeks of avoiding her, Anthea's pointed looks, and Sherlock's subtle teasing, he had decided he may as well throw caution to the wind and give it one more try. He wasn't getting any younger afterall. "I owe you dinner, don't I?"

She stared at it long enough to make him think he'd made a mistake but then she laughed and took the bottle. "What are you in the mood for? I was thinking a new recipe."

"May I help?"

"Sure! Oh and... You never told me. Which one was it?" She tilted her head as she pulled the chicken from the fridge.


"Did you have feelings for me or not?"

He brushed a finger across his nose and gave her an embarrassed little smile. "Bit direct, aren't you?"

She gave him an expectant look. "Is this dinner as friends or what?"

"What is the right answer considering your disdain for the thought of looking for a relationship? I have it on the authority of your team that you are not interested."

She shrugged as she cut a lemon and began to clean the meat. "It's been years since I've been on a date. I'm at the point when I can't admit to my age anymore and well... I like you. Gid likes you. So if you don't mind dating a single mom... I don't mind giving you a chance."

"After everything?"

"I like you enough to forgive you. So yeah, I guess even after everything."

He shook his head. "I'll never hear the end of this from Sherlock."


Two years later

"Morning, Mycroft!" Gideon bounded down the stairs and grabbed a juice box from the fridge. Mycroft grumbled a good morning as he sipped his coffee. Cameron came down a moment later and kissed them both on the tops of their heads. Gideon scrunched his face up and rubbed it away before looking at the clock.

"Crap! I'm gonna be late, bye Mum!" He ran out the door.

Cameron poured herself some coffee. Mycroft looked at her blearily before returning his eyes to the paper.

"I hate you morning people." He grumbled. "And that is my shirt." She smiled and tugged her shorts down a little so it didn't look like she wasn't wearing anything else. Mycroft pulled her into his lap and kissed her neck. "What time do I require you to be at work?" He mumbled into her skin.


"You're going to be late."

"And Jason will grumble about favoritism again."

"Mmm... Not my fault."

"Yes it is!"

"You're distracting. I can't help keeping you a few extra minutes."

She rolled her eyes and leaned back to kiss him. "Good morning to you too."

He hummed against her lips and smiled tiredly. "Morning." The door opened and the tap of heels could be heard as Anthea came in. She stood in the doorway, already staring intently at her phone. "Mr. Holmes. Cameron." She nodded absently to them.

"Coffee?" Cameron pointed towards the pot.

"Thank you." Anthea glanced at Cameron's attire and then gave Mycroft a faintly derisive glance. He affected a look of perfect innocence. "There is a child in the house." She scolded.

"I highly doubt he even knew I was here until this morning."

Anthea sighed and looked at Cameron. "You should ask him to move in already."

Cameron smiled and leaned her head back to meet Mycroft's eyes. "That's a great idea. Would you like to move in?"

He thought for a moment, smiled and then kissed her. "I'd love to."

Anthea sipped her coffee and gave a satisfied sigh. "And that's my Christmas present to the both of you. Mr. Holmes, you have a meeting in twenty with the Prime Minister."

"Must I?"


He sighed and pushed Cameron off his lap. She stole the last of his coffee while he swung into his jacket. Smiling cheerfully, she leaned up to kiss him goodbye. "Be good." She murmured.

He caught her by the waist. "If you manage to find those missile plans for me, I'll take you on that trip to Dubai."

She grinned. "Oh, you're on."


So that's the end! Tadaa! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for reading!

Update as of Nov. 27, 2016: There's a new Mycroft fiiiiiic! It's called Matters of the Heart. I've just started it. Hope you enjoy!

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