Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Extraction

"The regulations are clearly stated and my men are well aware of them." Mycroft rested his hands palms down on the dark wood table, his voice firm and eyes focused on the Ukrainian Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers. "I cannot believe that they purposely interfered in your work and I know you do not believe such claims that I assigned them to do so."

"I do not know what to believe, Holmes." The Minister glared. "But there have been too many lies and there is trouble in your country. Unrest."

"Unrest?" Mycroft's brows flew up. "The attack last week has been handled and the protests in regards to America's problems well... Those will quiet down soon enough, I can assure you of that."

"We have had these meetings too often to discuss problems. My country is uneasy about entering into this deal considering the risks and the issues we are already facing."

"Then tell me what I can do to alleviate some of your unease."

The Minister shook his head. He sat back and folded his hands on the table. Mycroft sighed, taking the hint that their conversation was over. He nodded.

"Very well. I will do what I can to investigate the issue and we can discuss this again when it is resolved."

The Minister nodded and stood. He gathered his papers and left without so much as a farewell. Mycroft massaged his temples once the door closed.

"Extract Beta and Gamma. Tell Alpha to go dark and await instructions." Anthea immediately began typing.


"Everybody better be ready for a long day!"

The team looked up as Jason strolled into the room. "We've got agents to prep for extraction. Full throttle, people. Operation Viper is going down. Beta and Gamma need extraction and Alpha is going dark. Havi and Cameron, I need new identities and I need them now. Stay online for contact. Bobby, you're with me. We’re going after Beta. Mack and Naomi, grab Gamma. Let's pull some troops and get them out of there."

The room burst into activity as the four field agents scrambled to grab the necessities. They would be on a plane to Kiev in forty-five minutes, which gave Cameron and Havi minimal time to get the documents ready.

Lifting her cast up, Cameron pushed off her desk and rolled her chair and laptop to Havi's desk. She set up on the edge of it. "Let's start with Beta. Pull him up?"

He was a Vietnamese agent of forty-five years old. Greying hair and smiling brown eyes, he supposedly worked as an electrical engineer.

Cameron went through her database of available identities. "Hàn Cao. Fits the appearance. I can tweak his occupation and schooling. I need a reason for him to be leaving."

"His sister is getting married.” Havi supplied. “Isn't Linh Vietnamese?"

"From surveillance? Yeah, I think so."

"Use her picture and send it to him. Tell him to keep it in his wallet."

She called up Linh's database profile. "No, I lied. She's Thai. Remmy is Vietnamese."

"Ask him what his real name is and send his picture."

She opened a chat window, asked Remmy for his birth name and left the window on the side of her screen. Havi quickly pulled up Gamma's picture and current identity. "She's Croatian."

"Is she the crazy one Mycroft found in Poland?"

"Yeah. Use this profile."

He pulled up an unused identity by the name of Jana Horvatin. She was thirty-seven, with purple dyed hair and grey eyes. "Reason for leaving?"

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