Chapter 1: "They have arrived"

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 In Arendelle.......

    It was the typical fall evening in the fair kingdom. The seasons were already changing. All was calm in the kingdom, but in the castle there were all different kinds of excitement due to one event. The princess has arrived. The very next morning, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna made the official announcement, "May we present to you, Princess Elsa of Arendelle," said the official announcer of the royal family. " Things could not be more perfect," the King said with a huge smile on his face. The proud parents stood by their princess's crib admiring their beautiful daughter. "I have just one question, though," the King uttered softly. "What would that be?" answered the Queen. "Why is her hair white?" Both the King and the Queen didn't quite understand why their daughters hair was not brown like their own. They soon found out why when their daughter had her first tantrum.

    It was only a few hours after the official announcement of their daughter's birth when Princess Elsa began to slowly form light frost on the railing of her crib. The Queen was less surprised than the King seeing as though she was the one who grew up around such magical forces. The King on the other hand had not had so much experience, but between how beautiful his daughter was and the Queen's reassurance that they could handle this situation, he returned to the proud husband and new father he was before.

Meanwhile in Ireland.......

    In this typical kingdom in Northern Ireland everyone was growing tired of waiting. Waiting for what you may ask? After the recent arrival of the new Princess of Arendelle only a few short months ago. The main reason for the excitement is their Queen was expecting her first child as well. Now, she was only about five months along, so there was still a ways to go before their little Prince was to arrive.

Four months later....

    The first born prince of Ireland has finally arrived. The new parents beamed with the excitement as their bouncing baby boy was giggling at all the attention. As the King and Queen walked out to greet their kingdom. The official announcer for the King arrived and said, "People of Ireland, it is with great pleasure that I formally introduce to you our newest Prince, Jack." The crowd immediately reacted with cheers and roars of celebration.

    Now, in Ireland most people have the traditional red hair and some even have light brown hair. But, in the small prince's case, his hair was pure white. Neither the King or the Queen understood why their son had not inherited the signature red hair. When it came time to put the Prince to bed the Queen did her best to calm him down but noticed something off about her baby. He was starting to freeze the blanket he clutched in his hands. The King heard his wife scream in shock so he ran to the nursery to check on his family. When he arrived, he wasn't quite sure why there was frost on the blanket but he soon found out it came from his son. The Queen laid down the small baby and turned to her husband, "I don't know what we are going to do. The people will notice that Jack doesn't look like us entirely." He replied, "I don't have the slightest clue either, but we will cover up his hair for now and deal with the rest later."

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