Chapter 7: "The consequences"

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Both kingdoms......

    Both royal families had some serious changes and rules to set into order. Without knowing both Jack and Elsa were given the same kind of advice about their powers. They were told that their powers were a beautiful gift but fear would be their enemy in the long run.The were advised to learn to control their powers before it would be too late for thgem. while neither of the children knew exactly what that meant, both kings agreed too do whatever it takes to keep their children and kingdoms safe.

    Upon their return the two sets of royal parents set to work on the new changes that they thought are going to help them conceal Jack and Elsa's powers. They immediately closed the gates to their castle , no one was to come in or out with out orders to. The staff numbers were reduced dramatically. Jack was moved out of the room he shared with Andrew, while Elsa was moved out of the room she shared with Anna. While none of this was their fault they were confused to their rooms and would only allowed to come out once they had control over their powers. For kid their age they saw this as more of a  punishment then help. Jack had it a lot tougher than Elsa did because Jack's parents were not as understanding as Agnarr and Iduna were. They were quite the opposite they thought the only solution was to have special gloves on that were made with the thickest material they could find. Which was also paired with a suit that he had to wear no matter what. Elsa also had to wear gloves the majority of the time but for a different reason. She had already showed signs that she was gain a bit of control for the time being, the gloves were more of a security blanket for her. King Agnarr and Queen Iduna always handled every emotional outburst Elsa had with grace, no matter what happened.

    While the two younger siblings have memories of them being around their brother and sister growing up neither of them understood why they were suddenly shut out of their lives from one day to the next. They both never questioned out loud why everything was happening but the questions were building up in their heads as to what happened to their siblings?

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