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Dear Lux,

The battle indeed lasted a long time in this system. Obi-wan just came and dropped supplies, on a mercy mission. I should be back soon and I can't wait to see you.  Anakin is suspicious of me in my interest in the debates, he told me to make sure to stay focus. He must have a feeling.

I miss you more than I thought I would, I got so used to seeing your debates. I can't wait to come back. But I can't help to feel something dark. Coming to Mandalore. I try to tell Anakin but he brushed it off. The force has felt more unbalanced than usual...

That's why I can't wait to see you. You'll bring me hope again. You'll make everything thing feel right... you always do.

While we were fighting we found a force-sensitive girl. She is about 6 and named Natasha. Her parents were killed in the bombing so we are bringing her back with us, I can't help but feel bad for her. To be brought to us, because of the war, and start her training during it. I can't help but find it messed up. But I would never say my opinion on the matter.

I can't wait to see you and tell you all about it.

I know you will make everything feel right.

Bring me hope.

You always do.

Your friend,

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