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Dear Lux,

I am losing my mind.

It's harder than I thought without you.

But you're happy...

So I'm happy...

You finally spoke to me!  Kinda.

After a debate you came up to Padame, to talk to her about the new vote. 

You were kinda forced to acknowledge me. 

You acted surprised to see me and asked if I was just back from my trip.  You knew I came back weeks ago!  I had made peace with you, but now you just started confusing me.  Why were you lying?  I am losing my mind without answers.  Hyla came up and introduced herself to me.  She seemed so hostile, I didn't know how to ease the tension.  My Master Anakin saved me, by comlink going off, with his call urging me to meet him.  You nodded bye, and I did the same. 

I was still so confused, why were you pretending to not know I was here? 

Are you ashamed of me, now that you have Hyla?

If so I wish you would have just told me, we could have just talked about it. 

Oh Lux there's no need for you to hide, please just tell me, I'm losing my mind not knowing.

On the way out to meet Anakin, something caught my eye.  It was Two pieces of paper in the trash, and they had my name on them.

It was two letters from you Lux.

You wrote me letters but threw them away...



Unseen Letters To LuxWhere stories live. Discover now