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Dear Lux,

I had a terrible vision about you, the last night. I had a vision of you dying, during one of your speeches. You were shot dead, and nobody could save you in time. You weren't in Coruscant, you were on a different plant, I couldn't quit till.

I told the council, and they are debating on what to do. The last time I had a vision like this with Padame, they sent me to protect her; and I succeeded. Now that I've become older, and more useful they need me on the front lines with the 501st. It's hard to spare a Jedi these days, we need them leading, and sadly more die each day.

Honestly, I'm not that thrilled with the idea of seeing you. Not that I hate you, I never could. It's just you are a distraction, the Order calls it. Oh Lux I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't want my feelings to come back when I've tried so hard to push them down.

I'm sure Barriss would be way better for this mission. She was always good with not letting her feelings get in the way. She truly is an amazing Jedi. You would be very safe with her. I even recommend her to them.

But of course, Master Yoda said it was "your vision, so your mission, only you can save the young senator." he is strangely wise. You would probably talk about experience, and tell me I'm being short-tempered like always. But you're not here to tell me that...

And that's fine.

Right now I am in my fighter in Hyperspace to come and meet you. I keep all my letters in a small journal, but when please ask I say it's where I keep memories from past battles and strange dreams that could be visions. So know gets suspicious, and try's to look... that would be so bad if they did. I could get kicked out of the order.

I wonder what you think of me coming. Is a part of you happy, or mad that I am coming? Only time will tell. I just want to get this over with and keep you safe. Of course, my main focus is to keep you safe, I just don't want to get distracted seeing you.

Truly I can't wait to see your face again, and it's those feelings that I am afraid of. None the less I am just there to find who is trying to kill you.

Your old friend,


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