Breakfast and Destruction

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Cacti: Hey Guys! We got a new ask.

Pea: It better not involve being blindfolded again.

Cacti: No it's our first truth!

Sunny: Wait.... We actually go a truth not a dare?

Chomps: Well, live it while you can. I'm sure there will be more dares later

Pea: NOO! *Jumps out the window*

Cacti:... Anyways, we got the truth from Toro51 asking: What do you guys usually eat for breakfast?

Chomps: I like to eat a good zombie in the mornin.

Sunny: That doesn't surprise me.

Cacti: I know it's not really healthy, but I like to eat a sun-pizza in the mornings.

Sunny: Pepperoni or cheese?

Cacti: Cheese

Sunny: How dare you! Anyways I like to have some fertilizer mix with milk.

Pea: Why with milk?

Sunny: Oh your back. And, I like milk better than water.

Chomps: Can't blame you there.

Pea: I eat whatever there is. I ain't picky. But, my favorite would have to be Blueberries. Don't ask.


Cacti: Soooooo. That's it then?


Pea: Copy that to ten-four release the meme, release the meme.

Sunny: Wait what-

*Ugandan Knuckles appears*

Ugandan Knuckles: He does not know da way *Takes out a bomb*

All: FFFFFFFFF**********


*Picks up and throws Ugandan Knuckles out of the US*

Pea: You don't mess with a pissed off Sunflower.

Sunny: *Punches Pea*

Pea: Ow

*Sunny calms down*

Sunny: Oh. I'm sorry for hitting you 

Pea: It's fine

*Ugandan Knuckles re-appears throw bomb inside house*

Chomps: Welp, we had a good run-

*Bomb explodes*


Writer: Sorry If I went a little off with that dare. It was fun to write. Anyways, If you want to see more dares or truths you can leave some suggestions in the comments and I'll get to work. Cya guys, I have a mess to clean up.

*Ugandan Knuckles throws another bomb somehow*

Writer: F***

*Bomb explodes again*

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