One Week Of Freedom

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Izuku POV

I texted Nezu to meet me somewhere but I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm making the exact same make and model revolver for Snipe. I knocked and left it on his doorstep, 'does he sleep in that thing to' I saw him walk out and looked both ways then down I smiled and left I listened and he picked it up and took it inside and put it on his strap I left a note that says you better use it to catch me I worked hard on it. Oh the one thing I learned is I can't mess with Snipes bullets I don't know why though I guess because he's the big shot. I then met him on a building outside the city, "Arsenal" he said and I did the same intro and I ended up having to change my costume up. I am now wearing a it's still green but really bright green hoodie, my red shoes, black jeans, and a different mask. It was an oni mask-like thing covering my mouth and nose for strictly Midnight. "You did say you would help us with the leak" I did.

"How about a deal Nezu?" he said he was curious. "One week or a couple days without a leash so I can gain trust around the city" I said and he said that was fair. "Ok thank you" I then walked into my range and looked around. I then grabbed a gun and took a couple shots and hit the target of course. Then the jingle happened, "hello welcome to" I stopped as Snipe walked into my door. "How can I help you" I asked and he said he wants to talk. "We have nothing to talk about you said she kicked you out end of story" I said stone cold while cleaning a rifle.

"If you will let me speak," I said beat me in a shooting contest. "Fine" he agreed and Kaminari and Dabi walked in and felt the tension. I said we will be doing open space so we went to the back. The targets are moving targets. "You made all of this" I said I like weapons and I wanted to share that feeling with other people. "That is kind" I said thank you and he can go first. I said I'll just use a handgun. "Little cocky now" I said of course. Then he went to the center and I started it. I said I want to see how he does without his quirk. He said fine and he was a good shot. He isn't missing a single one. When he was done and the timer was up I was dumbfounded. "So let's see what you got" he tried to antagonize me.

I materialized a handgun and got ready, 'ok I got this' when it started I shot the first target along with the rest and I was doing pretty well until I can't believe I missed the last shot. 'What' I didn't turn my bullet, that's hella sure. I sighed and said he wins by one point, "congrats you can talk while I work" I sighed and Kaminari started helping out I explained again. He asked where I would be staying for my week. I just said I have a room upstairs. He said ok, he asked me education level I answered collage, "Snipe what are you trying to accomplish here trying to catch up on lost time no thanks sure now that you know you have a son you want to suddenly want to be part of his life but no thanks" I saw he was hurt but I don't care. "Will I be helping UA with the situation they are in most definitely but I am a vigilante you are a hero. I gave you a new gun because a cowboy without a gun doesn't make sense" I said and tested a new batch of guns. I hit every one then I noticed some more of class 1-A came in. "Howdy I just got a shipment in and I'm testing them out oh Mina hello want to try your gun out" she said yes. I went to the back to get it and brought it out and I watched the students very carefully. "Here you go" I gave it to her and she was excited. I caught Kirishima looking out the corner of his eye though as he shot a couple targets. 'Suspicious' was my only thought. But I went back to talking and he was relieved though.

When they all left I turned serious, "you think it's a student" I said maybe. "Do you know who?" I said, not positive so don't do anything. "Well can you please keep us updated" I said sure and that what's said in the range stays in the range. I don't care if you're my dad, the same thing that happened to All for One. "Right ok" I nodded and looked at them leaving.

"Ok go on your way I am going to work" I disappeared from sight and got dressed.

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