Roy Visits (Part Two)

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-might do more of these...-

Roy was the team's badass college-aged brother, the one who could score you weed, but won't, and sometimes lets you taste his beer.

The arrow kids passed each other in the hall, both instinctively raised their hands. Artemis immediately assumed it would be a high five, Roy wanted to pretend he was going to punch her. Things got awkward.

"Re-do." She said. They both drew back, assuming the other was adjusting to them. Roy went in again to punch, and Artemis to high-five. "Fuck it." She changed direction and grabbed his wrist, shaking it up-and-down.

"You're fucking weird." He drew back, and walked past her to the living room. "What's up, kids." He tapped the back of Conner's head as he passed, grabbed Wally's off-brand BBQ chips, and leaned on the back of the couch. "Watching Disney channel?"

"Disney channel?" Dick asked. "Is that still a thing?"

"Oop, I forgot, you're all BABIES and don't remember the golden age." The older redhead rolled his eyes. "Classic Disney channel was sick!"

"Dude? Disney+ is where it's at." Wally said, queuing up another episode of Highschool Musical the Musical the Series, in which they were all invested.

"This the highschool musical show?" 

"Yea." Conner was trying to ignore them, invested in the drama.

"Have you watched it?" Kaldur asked.

"Naw, I don't fuck with new Disney." He leaned pver the couch, shoving chips in his mouth and watching with interest.

"Can you cut it out?" Robin snapped, brushing crumbs out of his hair. Roy's response was to reach down and rub his Barbecue chip dust covered fingers in the boy's hair. "Dickhead!" The bird exclaimed, pulling away.

Roy snorted, turning back to the screen. "Is that the Timothee Chow-mein guy the kids are into?" He joked.

"He's named Joshua Bassett." M'gann tried not to sound like she was swooning. 

Roy swallowed a handful of chips. "I don't see the appeal."

"Me neither." Conner frowned, he felt like his girlfriend was a little to focussed on this actor instead of the plot.

The older redhead was also interested in the show, so things mellowed out, except for everytime Carlos came on screen. "Hey! Rob! It's you!" 

"Screw off!"

Roy actually stood there, eating Wally's chips, for half an hour, until the credits started rolling. "Oh, fuck, right." He jerked back to conciseness. "I was coming in to ask what y'all want for dinner."

"There's a Chinese place near the mountain that delivers." M'gann commented.

"There's also delivery Pizza and Wendy's does pickup." Her and Conner were beyond familier with the local food places.

"And that Greek place." She reminded him.

Her boyfriend shook his head. "The greek place is bad."

Roy inspected his Skip the Dishes app. "Let's order in Pizza, what do you want?"

"Dominos meat lovers pizza." Wally glanced up. 

"I'm not surprised that Wally wants 'meat lovers'." Roy snickered at him, starting to list their orders. "Arty, what'd'ya want?" He yelled as the girl entered.

"I wanna fucking die!"

"What do you want on your pizza, you fucking weirdo?"

"Anything." Artemis shrugged, pulling on her sweater. She crawled over to where Wally was sitting, and crouched, right in the corner of his peripheral, staring at him.

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