PRIDE (Part 50)

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-This Was SO Much Fun To Write!-

"Rules, guys!" Roy ordered their attention. "Everyone have a buddy?"

Artemis rolled her eyes, but Zatanna just linked their arms. "Yep!"

M'gann leaned on her boyfriend's arm. "Uh huh!"

Roy nodded. "Walls, Rob?"

"Yeah." Wally relented, toying with his rainbow button-up. "Are you sure they were out of Ally shirts?"

"Sorry, the only Ally shirt left is the one Superboy is wearing." That was a lie. There were a lot of Ally shirts left, but he only got one, for Conner. So, Wally was stuck with a two-thirds buttoned rainbow shirt, Dick had a black shorts and rainbow high socks and accents. Artemis wore an orange and pink sports bra and grey jeans and her 'GalPal' had matching grey overalls and a black bralette. 

They looked like they belonged in the parade. In fact, Roy had made them all go to the mall for a pride makeover when he realized they hardly owned anything rainbow. He gave them a crash coarse in which flags meant what. M'gann identified with the Demifluid flag, and shapeshifted a dress in the pattern.

"What do we have in our back packs?" Roy asked, getting ready to count them off on his fingers. "Water, Snack, flags, sunscreen..."

"CellPhones." Kaldur added, he was buddied up with Roy. 

"Wallet!" Dick held it up. He'd been saving his allowence for a month to but cool shit at the parade. No like he was gay or anything.... he was just a really good Ally.

"That's right." Roy nodded encouragingly. "And STAY WITH YOUR BUDDY!"

"We get it." Conner rolled his eyes. "We're not kindergarteners."

Roy wanted to object to this. "The pride parades are big in Star City, and I can't track you all down if you get lost. If something goes wrong, or you get seperated from your buddy, meet up on 22nd and Main, at the starbucks."

"Mkay." Dick closed his velcro shoes- Artemis still clowned on him for those.

"And if there's an emergency-" he reached into his bag. "Me and Aqualad have a first-aid kit and allergy meds and stuff. We also have hand sanitizer, extra snacks, and money if you need food."

Yep, Roy was playing Gay parade mom to the kids, It was their first parade after all. You couldn't blame him and Kaldur for being protective; the kids managed to get hurt when alone in a padded room, and now they would be IN PUBLIC. 

THESE KIDS COULDN'T BE IN PUBLIC! Not without strict rules anyways.

"Every hour we will contact you to ensure you're alright." Kaldur added, over-protective mom tendincies coming out. "We have a battery pack, and two cell phones. You can call us at any time. Tell us immediately if you feel threatened or even slightly uncomfortable."

The team assured their moms that they were fine. They were, after all, not children, they could handle a parade.

So, the seasoned pride attendee and team leader lead them through the Zetabeam, and down several blocks to the main street.

"Remember," Roy pointed to the over-filled starbucks. "Meet-up spot."


"Where's the team." Bruce could swear he said that three times a week. The kids couldn't go A DAY without getting into trouble. Sure, They were teenagers, but they were immature and childish.

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