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Appearance: Tenland is a 5'6 tall female countryhuman

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Appearance: Tenland is a 5'6 tall female countryhuman. Her head is different shades of turquoise to teal. She has a red devil tail and horn with a light turquoise angel looking wings.

She wears an eye patch to cover her left eye due to it being cut badly that it left a scar. She also wears a black tank top and a teal skirt. She has teal colored knee high socks and teal colored boots.

Personality: She tends to be very blunt and rude. She is a very cold hearted woman and she is always ready to get dirty. Even though she is considered evil and murderous she does have empathy for children.

This makes her uncomfortable with killing children or getting them killed. This is also the reason why she is best friends with Rene since he reminds her of a child.

Relationships: Family: Tankland (thank-lend) is her father they have a respectful relationship

Kiland is her grandmother they have a strong bond

Friends: Rene is her best friend

Unlondon is her war buddy

Soviet is a good friend of hers

Spain is a good friend of hers

Frenemies: Mexico and her don't have he best relationship

Russia and her don't have a good relationship

Heartland is a friend of rene so she tolerates her.

Enemies: Morado is an enemy of unlondon so he's an enemy of hers

America and her are immediately enemies

Third reich is her enemy since he betrayed Soviet

Education: Her country priorities are on military training. Most people in the country are willing to give up there lifes for it.

Children: Tenland will not let kids die and will protect them with the best of her ability. Any one who abuses or rapes a child will be put on death row. Also someone who randomly attacks or kills a child will be in deep trouble.

As for bullies the kids will be shown why it's bad to hurt other kids. However when there adults it's a different story.

Education: Her country spends more time on military training type education. You get more money than any job by being in the military.

This doesn't mean that everyone is in the military and there is different jobs.

Language: Her country speaks a mixture of Spanish and Russian

Background: Tenland is the third of her kind(?) To reign over her country. Her family is known for being fearless and blunt. Which is why most people fear the country as little things can start a war.

Her father Tankland was cruel in a way to her. He taught her to be strong and kill anyone that stood in her way. As for her grandmother she was always able to seek comfort in her.

This way of life made her feel empathetic for children and which is why she values them.

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