Symphony 2: Nostalgia

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The first thing that Haru notice when he entered the dormitory was the sweet fragrance of the flower that has been neatly arranged in the middle of the table that is sitting in the middle of the room.

In the living room you can see lots of picture on the wall from when Starish just debuted and when they won the UtaPri award. Most of the picture has Haruka in it smiling happily with the other member posing together with the Starish. In the cabinet just under the picture is the trophy that they won for the Utapri award, standing proudly in the cabinet, along with some other trophy that they have won.

Some of the picture was taken from when they were still a student at Saotome Gakuen. Haru then walk to the piano and then press a key. The one key that he played echoes throughout the dormitory repeating the same note over and over again. He then continued on walking looking at the picture on the wall and walk upstairs. His mind is now fill with memories that he has once forgot but suddenly comes back again gushing out from every corner of his brain like a storm.

'It's been a while since I came here, I see nothing has changes hasn't it the smell the view and everything in it. What a nostalgic feeling.' Haru mumble to himself taking in the downstairs view from upstairs. 'Did you say something oniichan?' Haruka said suddenly appear from the corner of the room downstairs bringing a full set of tea along with a light snack for them to eat together.

Haru was surprise by how good Haruka's ear is. 'As expected of the girl who could hum every single note of a music that she heard just by listening to it once. I guess a composer must have a sensitive ear' Haru thought, smiling. 'It's nothing I was just talking to myself and what did I tell you, call me Tsu-ba-ki, ha- chan. But isn't it too big for just the 8 of you to be living in this dorm alone hmm? Or is there somebody else living with you guys in here?' Haru ask while walking downstairs towards Haruka that's already waiting for him to seat down with her.

'Yes, it's not only us that's living in here there is the quartet night senpai as well in this dorm. They are sharing room with the Starish member. At first you know the Starish member did not get along with each other at all you know, and there is the problem with Cecil-san everyone did not get along at all you know and then...........'. Haruka said while pouring hot tea into her brothers' cup. 'So that Ossan is still doing the senpai system hmmm and with the Quartet Night being here, this is really getting more and more interesting by the minute.' Haru thought not hearing what Haruka is saying to him.' kun. Tsubaki-kun. Oniiiiichan!'Haruka call him half shouted at him.

After a while of calling him he finally realises that Haruka is calling him.' eeee nani' Haru ask. ' Daijobu nano oniichan?You know you keep spacing out every now and then since you came here. If you aren't feeling well I think you should rest a bit' Haruka replied with a worrying tone.

Haru take sip of the hot tea without letting it cool down for a bit causing it to burn his lips a bit.'soo neeeee, Maybe if you wink at me once I will probably feel better you know' Haru said with a teasing voice.'w-w-wink I-i will try' she replied. She tried winking a couple of time but instead of just closing one eye, both of her eyes close at the same time. Haru smile looking at her sister that's working so hard to make him feel better by giving him a wink.

'You know I just joking Ha-chan, just by looking at you working so hard for me has made me feel a hundred times better.' Haru said to Haruka.' eh? So nano, yokatta' Haruka release a sigh to show relief. 'Yokatta?' Haru said with a puzzling tone. ' eemm. Because you had never complain to anyone about anything when you are hurt, in a slump or having problem with something. You always keep things to yourself trying not to cause problem to anyone else' she said smiling.' So I want to try and help you to ease your worry even for just a little bit by doing my best to help you out' she continued.

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