t w e n t y f i v e

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"Your sister is the sweetest." Aurora says as she leans back in her seat. The blush that had formed after having received so many compliments from Jaide, the twin's older sister, was still clear on her cheeks.

"Yeah. She's been wanting to meet you since our first hangout." Jason admits as they drive away from the coffee shop. "To be honest, my mom has been begging me to bring you over."

"Aww. That's so cute. You've talked about me to your mom." Aurora grins happily as she shifts in the car seat so that she's looking at him. A soft blush slowly tints his cheeks.

"Shut up. You can't say you haven't mentioned me to your parents." Jason points out, making her shrug.

"Well true. I can't deny that." Aurora gums as she takes a sip of her iced coffee. "So where, dearest one, are you taking me to?"

"You'll see." Jason smirks, making her groan. This was the fourth time she had asked this question and the fourth time he gave that answer.

"Ugh, I hate you." Aurora groans, making him shake his head in amusement.

"No you don't. You love me." Jason says teasingly, making her roll her eyes at him.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Jason." Aurora huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I have been sleeping really well actually." Jason muses with a smile, making her roll her eyes. "Anyway, we have like a seven minutes drive so you might as well get comfortable."

"I already am, doofus." Aurora points out, making him chuckle as he shakes his head. "Anyway, let me ask you questions."

"You asking me questions? Can't I ask you some?" Jason asks, making her shake her head in response.

"Nope. Think of it like an interview or a game show and there's a price." Aurora says as shifts in her seat to make sure she's as comfortable as possible. "First question, what would you say is your dream college course?"

"Marine Biology or Civil Engineering." Jason answers, making her eyes widen in admiration.

"Okay, so we have a smart boy here. Okay, where you say you'd like to study?" Aurora asks, as she grabs her coffee and takes a sip.

"UCLA, maybe. I'm not really sure." Jason admits, making Aurora's heart drop. She knew, that going to NYU would mean leaving her friends and family, but something about leaving Jason made the idea not so great anymore.

"Okay, Mr. Smart boy wants to go to LA and try to become famous. I see you." Aurora says teasingly, making Jason chuckle. "Okay, so now the question worth a million dollars-"

"Will you give me a million dollars?" He asks, cutting her off in the process.

"Jason, I am the one asking questions here. And no, where do you expect me to get that money, doofus?" She asks rhetorically, shaking her head. "My question is, before I was rudely interrupted, when you're rich and famous in LA, how willing are you to marry me?"

"Are you kidding me?" Jason asks, as Aurora bursts into laughter. He uses his freehand to hit playfully, making sure to keep his eyes on the road. "Aurora Wilson, how do I put up with you?"

"You looove me." She snickers, before taking a deep breath and looking back at the road. "We're nearly there, right?"

"Yup. We are." Jason says just as he turns onto a small dirt road.

"Now I get why you're using the SUV." Aurora says as they ride along the dirt road. "Is this gonna be the place where you murder me?"

"Nah. If I had to murder you, I wouldn't pick here." Jason shrugs, making her roll her eyes at him, just as he stops the car. "We have reached destination mi lady."

"Oh, how fancy." Aurora hums as Jason gets out of the car.

"Will you bring the bag from the backseat?" He asks, making Aurora get out the car. As she opens the back door of the car, Jason opens the trunk.

"So, what's the plan?" Aurora asks as she takes the bag out and closes the door.

"Come here." Jason says, making her walk up to him and he takes her hand to show her what's in the car trunk.

"Jason." Aurora gasps, as a wide grin forms into her face. Blankets and pillows had been with set up, with fairy lights. "This is cute. I love it."

"I'm happy you do. Now look at this." He says as he turns her to look at the view over the cliff. "I thought it would be nice to watch the sunset here."

"I love it. This is amazing." She breaths out, as he takes the bag from her and puts in the car. "You really put some thought in this."

"Yeah. I thought since you haven't had the nicest month, with your ex and stuff. We could do something nice." Jason shrugs, a small blush forming on his cheeks. A grin forms on her face, she pushes herself on her toes and kisses his cheek, making the blush on him deepen.

"Thank you Jason. I feel like you came into my life at the right time." Aurora smiles happily, making him beam.

Trapped in a Zoom Call ↬ Jason WaudOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora